RED ALERT: Border Invasion Funding Lies and betrayal: CALL the - TopicsExpress


RED ALERT: Border Invasion Funding Lies and betrayal: CALL the Reps and Senators: Please call your three Members of Congress and urge them to oppose the Cornyn/Cuellar bill and to oppose any emergency funding for the border crisis until the Obama Administration begins enforcing existing laws Late yesterday, the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions released this astounding news just as the Senator took to the floor to speak about it: This afternoon, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated just $25 million out of the Presidents $4.346 billion emergency spending request would be spent this fiscal year. That works out to only about a HALF OF 1% of this supposedly emergency money being spent in the emergency! And ALL of that tiny amount is designated for the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency charged with re-locating and keeping the illegal aliens in the United States. Heritage Action seems to capture the outrage of all of this fairly well with this statement that needs to be conveyed to your Republican Representatives and Senators: As todays report makes clear, President Obama has the funding he needs. The recent debate surrounding emergency funding was an effort by the President to take advantage of a crisis he created. The question is not what resources President Obama needs, but whether he will take concrete steps to reverse his anti-enforcement policies. Any congressional action must focus on addressing the cause, not just the symptoms. We are asking you to call Republicans in Congress in this instance because we know they are not going to be happy about being tricked by the President. He has a lot of them feeling tremendous pressure to give him the money or appear to be unwilling to solve the crisis on the border. But now, we know that none of the money is designated for stopping the border surge in the next couple of months. Rather, it is pretty clear that most of the money is being sought to make it easier for Pres. Obama over the next year to carry out the administrative amnesty for millions more illegal aliens that he promised the Congressional Hispanic Caucus last week. Your Republican Members of Congress need to hear from you how outrageous this whole effort by the President has been. And they should be reminded again that they should OPPOSE all emergency spending requests related to the border surge
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:00:42 +0000

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