RED COAT APPEARANCES: WAS IT CECE OR ALI? SEASON II Unmasked: CECE Mona confirmed that Cece came to visit her in Radley. SEASON III: A Blood is the New Black: CECE Cece was obviously purchasing gear for the A-Team. Pretty Dirty Secrets Call Security: ALISON OR CECE If it was Cece, it was probably because she was spying on what Garrett and Lucas were talking about but the fact that “A” stops and pauses the screen and then lays their hand on the paused screen of Red Coat, makes me think it was Ezra like lusting after the fact that he knew it was Alison. SEASON III: B Misery Loves Company: ALISON Ali followed Hanna to the “interview” because she probably knew that it was just an “A” setup and wanted to watch out for her incase something very bad happened. Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno: CECE She’s a member of the A-Team and like always, “A” burns, stabs, breaks, kills, etc. some type of inanimate object &/or animal that represents one of the Liars and most recenetly, Mona as well. (Barbie Dolls, Bobble Heads, VooDoo Dolls, Rats, etc) Dead To Me: CECE Cece, being the former leader of the A-Team, obviously was the one to direct Mona to and dig up “Alison’s” grave, take the bones and then try to frame the Liars. (To Mona, Cece was the leader then but because of the latest evidence, it was probably Ezra directing Cece to direct Mona on what to do) Hot Water: ALISON OR CECE Cece could have been stalking Spencer because she was with Wren which would be why “A” obviously knew that Spencer and Wren kissed, hence the A note left on the bathroom mirror at Spencers. If it was Alison, she was probably just watching out for Spencer just because or because Wren does seem pretty suspicious and is possibly on the A-Team? Out of Sight, Out of Mind: CECE OR ALISON If it was Cece, her motive was probably to make herself present to Emily so that Emily would leave her car so that either, Cece could circle back around, break the car window and put the fake Toby obituary in her car OR lead Emily away from her car so that another member of the A-Team could break her car window and put the fake Toby obituaray in there. If it was Alison, she probably knew that one of the members of the A-Team was going to somehow make sure Emily recieved that fake obituary so Alison could have seen an A-Team member and was following them in which Emily see’s Red Coat, being Alison, and then tries to follow her OR Alison could have simply just been trying to slip by Emilys car quickly so that Emily didn’t see her but obviously failed at that because Emily did. I’m Your Puppet: ALISON OR CECE If it was Cece, she was probably just doing her daily stalking routine of the four girls or maybe it was Alison just following them to make sure that they stay safe. A Dangerous Game: ALISON When Red Coat got off of the plane, she obviously wasn’t wearing a mask because we could clearly see that and both Spencer and Hanna clearly saw Alison’s face because it was Alison. SEASON IV Under the Gun: CECE Since Cece is a member of the A-Team and the “Bad Red Coat”, it was her intention to use the Emily mask for evil and then dress as Emily with a black wig and the Emily mask trying to make Emily look guilty by holding up the guilty sign in the video that Cece replaced with the original copy that Emily had left on Lieutenant Tanner’s desk as well as copying Emily’s handwriting and changing the sticky note. Into the Deep: ALISON OR CEE Either one of them could have been staying underneath the DiLaurentis house but I feel like it was most likely Cece because Alison isn’t that stupid considering “A” is probably always snooping around that house so I’m sure Ali wouldn’t stay underneath her own house if she was alive. The Mirror Has Three Faces: CECE When Cece was dressed as Red Coat, it was revealed that she was the Red Coat behind the “Alison Mask” so obviously, it was her. Bring Down the Hoe: CECE I’m assuming because they showed Cece in Ezra’s lair before the dance with the Red Coat on the chair that she was about to get ready to go to the Hoe Down to Stalk the liars. Now You See Me, Now You Don’t and GrAve New World: BOTH We all already know who was who.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:40:43 +0000

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