REDUX: Sandra Bushman, a small attack on dad. A Small, Clean - TopicsExpress


REDUX: Sandra Bushman, a small attack on dad. A Small, Clean Window: Father’s Day is the third Sunday of June. Every year. Just like Mother’s Day is the second Sunday of May. Every year. In 2011, Father’s Day was on June 19th. According to long-standing court orders, the children are to spend from 3PM the Saturday prior to the start of school on Monday with, respectively, dad or mom on these occasions. In 2011 dad called mom Saturday morning to see what’s up—as she had the kids. No answer. Many calls were made by dad throughout the day to both mom’s home and her cell. No answer, no reply to messages. As the day wore on, into the afternoon, evening, and beyond, dad became increasingly concerned that perhaps something had happened. Dad called the home, cell, and others who might know where they where. He went to bed, his stomach turning. No sleep. He made calls throughout Sunday-Father’s Day. Absolutely no word. He was extremely worried—and pissed. A back-story is that dad was even more concerned because one of his children was facing surgery that next week—a significant life-altering procedure that dad had spearheaded (mom couldn’t be bothered with taking time off for ANY appointments over the preceding years even though she has one of the few jobs were she gets paid whether she’s there or not). Bear in mind that dad had never “blown off” Mother’s Day—or any other logical consideration or respect for mom. Never. In truth, he talks with his children about these special days and will, as a course of decency and habit, generally buy a modest gift for them to give mom. “Cooperative parenting” means common sense to dad, even if mom had historically resorted to adversarial approaches and a consistent disregard or disrespect of him (even prior to their divorce). All documented of course. Late on Father’s Day, dad goes for a walk. Evidently mom finally “gets a clue” and responds to the messages—but dad’s now out of cell contact. He’s still worried sick. So she heads, with the kids, over to dad’s home. According to a neighbor, they knock on the door. No answer. She then turns to the children and says: “He’s playing the victim. We’ll never hear the end of this! I can only guess what he’ll do to ME!” In other words, she makes herself out to be the victim. Of dad’s legitimate concern and aggravation about developments where mom is clearly negligent and dishonored. Further, mom is once again in a provocative violation of the law regarding specific court orders. And she’s once again (an escalating pattern, including fostering the false notion that “dad’s suicidal” and other ugly twaddle; yes, imagine what an abusive and corrosive act that is to “the best interests of the children”!) making “disparaging” and “negative” remarks to the children—which is one of the basic prohibitions spelled out by the court. The court doesn’t care—obviously. Mom doesn’t care—obviously. And, in psychotic displays by all except dad, they attack this loving and caring dad. And continue to. Does that make any sense? In what moral universe? Merced’s. The Merced “authorities’”. Mom’s. Incredible. Good thing dad is so stable, peaceful and loving, as this is crazy-making.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:14:22 +0000

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