REMAIN STRONG AND UNITED As we look forward to an election in - TopicsExpress


REMAIN STRONG AND UNITED As we look forward to an election in May I would urge all Scots to pause and think about Scotland and what we have as a country before listening to those London loving Scots who want your vote. Scotland has been blessed with fertile soil, crystal clear water, abundant fish in our seas and rivers, is surrounded with oil and gas in our coastal waters and coal underground. We have many successful and diverse industries and a world marque for excellence and quality of our produce. Our people are well educated with a plethora of world class universities where our poorest young people can currently attend for free. We have our own laws, as well as our own modern parliament. As a country we have a great deal going for us, and a strong economy which would be the envy of any small independent nation in the world. But, we cannot realise our full potential because we remain hamstrung by being part of this Union we were forced into against our peoples will. Latvia a country of 2 million now holds the presidency of the EU taking over from Luxembourg that has a population less than Glasgow. These two tiny nations have a voice at Europes top table and Scotlands 5.5 million people dont and must always play second fiddle to the needs of England. That is why we have no control over our god given resources and industry, and why the Unionist Parties want to retain the power over us. The Scottish oil industry is currently suffering because of Westminsters smash and grab attitude over the years and because they never set up an oil fund like Norway did to cushion the blow of low oil prices. The UKs broad shoulders that Cameron boasts about for keeping the oil revenues under Westminsters control were obviously to support the weight of the vast profits they carry off and nothing more. Scotlands curse has always been our land border with England and throughout our history our people have suffered because of it. In the past with their freedom and many with their lives. These days there are too many Scots who have lost their sense of Scottish identity and consider the very notion of Scotland as a country should be consigned to the history books. They are content to live and be considered no more than a region of England, and accept the English people referring to Britain as England for ever more. That, must make our ancestors turn in their graves. Sometimes the arts can parody reality. If we cant root them out, well breed them out. Remember that quote? It may have taken hundreds of years but it has now borne fruit, as was seen in September 2014. Those Scots who voted YES in the referendum should remain proud as we go into another year knowing that they did what they could to support Scotland, No matter what transpires after the election in May, and what cuts are made to the Scottish budget afterwards, those Scots will know that they were not duped by the Labour lies of Brown and Darling, and the avalanche of negative propaganda by the British establishment. Both of these men have since crawled back under the stone they came from into relative obscurity, because neither dared face the ignominy of being beaten by the SNP in May. They are smugly satisfied that they managed to scare enough gullible Scots into voting against their own countrys independence. Both of these North Britains along with Labours new branch manager Murphy, deserve nothing but contempt for doing the Tories dirty work in Scotland and lying so deferentially on their behalf. Those Scots who were duped by the gruesome twosome will realise the folly of their decision when they and their family are affected by the inevitable cuts that will be imposed on us in the future. The projected job losses in the public sector will eventually effect us all, and increase unemployment. When the cuts start to bite you can guarantee that Brown and Darling will not utter a word of protest. They achieved the result they wanted in their mistaken belief that it would save the Labour Party. Like all Scottish Labour politicians they think what is good for their personal wellbeing is good for Scotland. Sadly, some Scots need to put their hand in the fire before they realise it will burn them, being warned is never enough. Regardless, those Scots will be responsible for what is imposed on the rest of us by London in the future, and for making us the butt end of jokes from every second rate English comedian. Wrapping themselves up in the Union flag wont render much comfort when its their time to suffer or be humiliated. Those people are the real Jocks in our country. The Red Tories are hoping that when the cuts start to bite in the years ahead our people will blame the SNP who will be charged with implementing them in Scotland. They hope the SNP will then lose favour, and Scots will once again return to Labour. Murphy and his gang will criticise the SNP, but will conveniently ignore the fact that Westminsters funding is responsible. Its why they are trying to make political capital out of the current oil price, when the SNP have made it perfectly clear that oil was a bonus not a crutch. The SNP have always advocated an oil fund and Labour have always been against it, just like the Tories. Lies and deceit is the Labour way. They would rather UKIP governed Scotland than the SNP, because the SNP have exposed their indolence in government and introduced real socialist policies that have helped Scots of all ages when they didnt. If they are ever successful in Scotland again, they will roll back the benefits the SNP have introduced to bring Scotland into line with England. They dont want Scotland to have a better welfare system than England because that would make Labour look bad. Murphys star will shine all the brighter for that with his peers in London if he is successful, which will satisfy his naked ambition. Make no mistake Cameron and Milliband, both admirers and disciples of Thatcher, look upon the majority NO vote as their green light to do what they like with Scotland. Both believe in social engineering of keeping wages low and maximising profit for business as the way forward. They both believe in austerity with massive welfare cuts, using the financial crisis as an excuse to implement their social engineering policies that penalise the poorest people in society, and force many others into private health care. Welfare is needed when there are not enough jobs paying a living wage for people to provide for their families, but they dont care about that. Thats why budget cuts will go ahead no matter which one of them wins in May, and those using food banks will increase. Both Parties believe in replacing Trident at a time when so many of our people are suffering unprecedented hardships because of the Tory/Lib Dem welfare cuts, and of course they want them kept in Faslane, well away from London. Most importantly for Scotland they want to limit the powers of Holyrood as was seen with the broken vow and watered down Smith proposals. Lies and deceit come easy to the Tories, Red and Blue. No wonder the media is pedalling the prospect of a Tory/Labour coalition after the May election, there is nothing between their policies, only the personal aggrandisement of their leaders. As Alex Salmond said, We dont know what Labour stands for, but we know who they stand with. How true is that? Only the SNP stands between Tory and Labours unbridled power over Scotland, and the lives of our people. That is why in 2015 our biggest priority is to get behind the SNP and get their candidates elected to Westminster. It doesnt matter if you dont support some of the SNP policies; you must be pragmatic and support them regardless to stop the old two Party system that has been so destructive for Scotland. The more opportunities the SNP have to do good for Scotland the more support they will harvest for the future. We have 10% of voting age Scots to convince and that is what YES supporters should focus on. When that great day comes in the future when we win our freedom, all Scots can then support and promote the ideology they believe in and want Scotland to aspire to. That will be the time to argue against SNP policy, not now. Ive said this before and Ill say it again. The Labour Party have been fooling the Scottish people for generations with the same old rhetoric about voting Labour to defeat the Tories. We must not fall for that again. When you buy a car and it constantly breaks down causing you hardship and disappointment, you dont buy the same model a second time because of the salesmans slick patter. That is exactly what Murphy and those other Labour MPs will be asking you to do. The new car might have a new bumper but it still has the same rotten old engine that drives it. It only remains to say good luck to all the new SNP candidates and I hope they all get the support they deserve to win, and go on to fight for Scotland. In May we have the opportunity to start 2015 with a brighter prospect than how 2014 faded; it is up to us to make it happen. Hope must never die in the hearts of those who strive for political freedom, justice, and a more equal society. Only those politically myopic Unionists who aspire to be you master want to purge hope for change in peoples minds. Dont let them. Keep focussed on what is important for Scotland, and support the SNP. Labour will NEVER put Scotland first in their policy making, they never have before, and they never will in the future. Never forget my fellow Scots, Scotland is a proud and ancient country and deserves to be treated as one. Take pride in your heritage. Take pride in our countrys achievements. Take pride in Scotlands ancient flag. The Unionists want you to forget all that and accept London rule with all its manifestations of inequality and continued exploitation of our countrys assets. They want you to be passive Jocks, and obey Westminsters decisions on Scotland, like those other passive Jocks who are content to be second class citizens in their own country. Rest assured the media friends of the Unionists will once again way in on their behalf as they did during the referendum, and as always their biggest weapon will be ignorance and gullibility. We must not succumb to their lies and false promises to let them win again. We must REMAIN STRONG AND UNITED in our beliefs and our aspirations for Scotland, because the struggle for our independence must go on, and never die in the hearts of real Scots. Alan N McPhail (Share if you wish)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 09:21:06 +0000

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