REPOST: THE CALLING, ENTRY 42. Faith versus Fear, and the God Man - TopicsExpress


REPOST: THE CALLING, ENTRY 42. Faith versus Fear, and the God Man versus the man. As many of you are aware, I am in the hospital in Costa Rica. I apologize for missing last week, but my health condition made it impossible; and I had no access to a computer. I had my 4th heart surgery 2 days ago. My cardiologist said I have more lives that a cat. Last week, I was on vacation in Europe climbing mountains, to include 1,428 set steps, straight up in order to view ancient ruins. I had no idea that I had a major blockage in my heart that should have already caused my death…. I already have 8 stents in my heart. This has been quite a week of highs and lows, physically, mentally and spiritually. The doctors also increased my medication for treatment of Parkinson ’s disease. Results were not good. The side effects caused me irrational thinking. I have been called a “risk taker” most of my life. I believe in honesty and do not mind looking like a fool or crazy if God asks me to do something. Several people have told me that I share too much personal, intimate information on this Facebook Page. I understand their concern and, and appreciate it. But as long as God asks me to do this, I will continue. I am not afraid that someone will not agree with me. On the contrary, the threats go over my head; and if someone thinks I am crazy, I will be in good company. Many people thought Jesus, the Apostles and Christians were all crazy. So, I guess I fit right in as I speak what the Holy Spirit places on my heart to speak. I will always be honest…. I believe, as does God, that honesty is of paramount importance. It is important that we admit our faults, are not prideful, or try to place ourselves above others. If we do, we do not bring glory and honor to God. Was I scared when the doctor told me that I had another major blockage in my heart? Absolutely; but this scripture came to mind “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (New International Bible Version) The physical man, Rick was angry that another surgery had to be performed; but the God man Rick knew that God loved me and would not forsake me. My Pastor used to say he was a man called by God; yet even though he was called upon by God, he realized that he was just an imperfect man. Sometimes we are too critical and judgmental of ourselves. We strive to be perfect; but it will never happen in our human lifetime. So, don’t be too critical of yourself, or others. But, do not use your humanity as an excuse to sin. For more information on my story/spiritual journey and this ministry, go to https://facebook/BarefootMA. If you like this Facebook Page, please click on “Like” and pass on the page hyperlink to family and friends. I believe that there is something there that every individual can relate to. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and my spiritual experiences with you.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:34:36 +0000

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