RESIDUAL INCOME - CONCEPTS BLACKDEVER - TEAM PHOENIX - CDL MAKE YOUR PRE REGISTRATION blackdever ID 174431 NAME ANTONIO 06/06/2013 08:53 RESIDUAL INCOME - IS ALL THAT YOU RECEIVE WITHOUT HAVING TO WORK FOR WHAT, IE SOMETHING WAS DONE FOR YOU IN THE PAST THAT YOU ALLOWED TO GET TO A RESIDUAL INCOME. When your monthly residual income begins to supplant their monthly expenses you start to accumulate capital and this fact call enriquecimento.Exemplo Residual Income: You have $ 1.000,000,00 applied to a financial institution to interest of 1% per month, so your monthly residual income is 10 thousand. To know what your residual income do the following calculation exercise, if I stopped working today as I receive monthly, depending on your response something needs to be done. There are people who think that high wages is synonymous with safety. Lêdo deception paradigms are being broken every day, the system and the relations of labor and employment change every day and a good job is no longer synonymous with safety as it was in the days of our parents and grandparents. There are several ways to make money, more secure way to make money for enrichment and Financial freedom is getting residual income increasingly growing. Currently gurus of Economy, through books, lectures, videos and conferences have indicated as an excellent option to obtain a residual income Network Marketing. Currently in Brazil Network Marketing presents itself as a strong trend of rapid growth for the next decades, in next five years more than 50% of people who will get his first million will come from network marketing, which will make a major transformation in society because Network Marketing is the only way that you can not afford to make investments, get out of the quadrant to quadrant paying winners as well explained Robert Kiyosaki in his book The Business of the Twenty-First Century. So what you have to do is choose a good MLM company and start working to get your residual income. We CDL TEAM PHOENIX, chose Blackdever Company, which will be launched on 28/06/2013. The company is in pre marketing and already has 85,000 registered within 35 days of PRE MARKETING. 150,000 have registered until the day of release and 750,000 seconds have the most optimistic estimates until December 31, 2013, that the national market. Not to mention the national expansion that will begin as early as the second half of 2013, as the company saw extend their activities to countries like the U.S. and PORTUGAL already from the second half of 2013. To join to the company by BLACKDEVER TEAM PHOENIX-CDL is very simple, just choose the form of positioning that best suit your profile. Choose one of the IDs available on this HOME and make your pre-registration ensuring its position in the binary network of companies. There are 4 ways of positioning: 1. TORQUE PERFECT PLAN - Choosing this positioning strategy you will choose one of the IDs provided by Team Phoenix, we are closing all spaces from top to bottom, providing the IDs of 15 distributors, so that the two direct distributor has one in his leg his name is taken off the list and put one in the order pre-established. 2. POSITIONING THE NETWORK IS WHERE MOST ACTIVE - Choosing this positioning strategy you choose one of the 15 last registered IDs and join us in that position. The Phoenix team is always updating the data always presenting the last 15 registered distributors. 3. PLACEMENT THROUGH A TEAM OF LEADERS - If position through the ID of one of the leaders, and enlist the support of him and all his upline in the development of your business. 4. SE POSITIONING WITH TEAM LEADER - In this strategy you receive the outpouring of the Leader in a leg and build your organization on the other. ALL THESE STRATEGIES CAN YOU PROVIDE A REGULAR GROWTH AND INCREASING EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON YOUR EFFORT AND DEDICATION TO HIS NEW BUSINESS BLACKDEVER, MORE DEPENDS MAINLY OF YOUR PROFILE. THEN DO NOT WASTE TIME NOW YOUR PRE REGISTRATION. ACCESS Blackdever and make your pre-registration. NEOM ID AND PLACE YOU CHOOSE ACCORDING TO YOUR PROFILE. ATT ANTONIO DE PADUA JUNIOR SHEEP PHOENIX LEADER ID 174431 NAME ANTONIO Read more:
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 13:38:36 +0000

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