RESPONSES AND PRAYER REQUESTS 10-17-13 Responses 10-17-13 - TopicsExpress


RESPONSES AND PRAYER REQUESTS 10-17-13 Responses 10-17-13 Hello, and be blessed my dear spiritual dad, World Pastor Tony Alamo. Very respectfully I want to express my gratitude for your involvement in the Lord’s service. May the very high Almighty God fill you with all the blessings so that you could abundantly profit from your generosity. For your World literature that you have sent to me has delivered many lost souls in my country of Togo. Personally, your literature has edified me very much, and I am not the same person from the past, because you have changed my situation. You have revealed many hidden things to me through your literature. The brothers and sisters from my country are asking so much for your literature. They are not leaving me alone since they need it. Your literature has helped me evangelize in the markets, hospitals and in my churches. In the name of our Lord Jesus I pray my dear Papa Pastor Alamo that you would agree to send me: The literature that you sent to me times ten, Bibles, CDs, Messiah books, and t-shirts. May the Lord be with you, and protect you in His Holy Name. I am sending some photographs as attachments of the distribution of the literature. Thank you, and so long for now! Pastor T. Y. S. Kaplimé, Togo Victory in the name of Jesus, Amen. We are crying out to the Lord. The Lord says, I have not seen the righteous forsaken, begging for justice. My God has done justice. The devil is defeated. Jesus overcame him and we are more than conquerors. Those properties are the Lord’s. No one will touch the things of the Lord. Devil, I rebuke you in the name of the Lord. You will not touch any property of the Lord. Lord, look at the prosecuting judges, may the Holy Spirit convict and touch their hearts. I rebuke all bribery, all deception in the name of Jesus. We declare victory. My Pastor Tony is covered by the blood of Jesus and no weapon formed will prosper in the life of my pastor. Glory to God, Amen. Your brother in Christ, J. C. Tacna, Peru Thank you for the package! It was a small box full of Pastor Tony’s literature and the book entitled The Messiah According to Bible Prophecy. Our further thanks towards you again in Philippians 4:10-20. After receiving your email, I had to call in the church for one day of prayer and fasting over the stressing issue you narrated which are alleged against Pastor Tony and the properties the government wants to snatch. Thus it made me to delay writing to you, but all went well with me and the wonderful book I got about the Messiah, which came at the right moment whereby I had just had a debate about the cults who claim that “Isa messiah” is the only son of God, not Jesus; but I tried to urge them out with the Biblical truth. So fear not, man of God, for no weapon of the enemy formed against you shall prosper, Isaiah 54:17. The spirit of God will always give utterance whenever you’re faced with your opponent in court. Mark 13:11 is our prayer to you for success. Pastor Tony, know that the battle belongs to the Lord who managed to fight for Jehoshaphat and is going to fight for you because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever Hebrews 13:8, and 2 Chronicles 20:15. If there is a way you can send more literature soon please go ahead and do that because we have several mission activities ahead of us. Now I will be sharing with you some pictures of distribution of literature. We are continually praying for Pastor Tony’s vision to be healed quickly. Pastor S. K. Mbale, Uganda Dear brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Warmest Christian greeting to you in the mighty and wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. May I please take this great opportunity to thank you very much for the great love and kindness which you have practically demonstrated by sending us your powerful Christian materials. I have received them in a very good condition. The materials I have received are the many assorted world newsletters and 5 Messiah books. May you please continue sending us your powerful world newsletters and Messiah books because they are life-changing Christian materials. Most of the people who read them over and over do not remain the same. Most people are receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord Master, Personal Savior and great physician by means of reading your powerful Christian materials. Finally, may you please kindly greet for me your precious families and also all those saints whom you associated and fellowship with. May the Lord wonderfully and more abundantly bless you, your precious families and Ministry. Your Brother in the Lord, Pastor H. S. A. Nsanje, Malawi God bless you. God is working in a special way. We will continue praying. We must not lose the guard. We have prayer services on Tuesdays and we have 10 hours of prayer and fasting on Fridays. We are praying a lot that everything turns out very well. My Pastor Alamo, we are covering you in the blood of Jesus. No weapon formed shall prosper over the properties, over the ministry, the leaders, and over the pastoral families. Forward in the name of Jesus. Pastor J. C. C. Tacna, Peru The Lord bless the Alamo Ministries for their work which has been accomplished in my life. At times I have myself been a servant of the Lord through the writings of World Pastor Tony Alamo. These publications have made me know my true mission on earth as well as my sanctification which properly said was caused through these publications which are truly inspired by the Spirit. They have also allowed me to have a holy fear of the Lord, and I am very thankful for this. What I want is to have more copies of this literature named below. All this with some copies of the book The Messiah and Bibles for distribution. The Lord bless you, and may the World Pastor Tony Alamo be well for I am praying for that. Note: I am going to send you some photographs of my distribution services. Bless you. Evangelist K. K. M. Abidjan, Ivory Coast Prayer requests 10-17-13 Chris in Malawi says he is going to be conducting a crusade on October 25-26 and is asking for prayer for it. Pastor S. K. in Uganda is asking us to pray for them because they are using a temporary shelter to hold services in. They need a building for worship. J. N. asks us to continue praying for his slum area mission work and also pray for the people affected by the cyclone
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:35:30 +0000

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