REVELATION CHAPTER 2 (Letters to the churches) Verse 1: - TopicsExpress


REVELATION CHAPTER 2 (Letters to the churches) Verse 1: To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand,who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands... We remember seven means COMPLETE or PERFECT. Thus the 7 churches represent the complete church, the church throughout its history from the time of the apostles down to the last days just before Jesus returns the second time. These 7messages apply to 7 periods of the church through history. EPHESUS means DESIRABLE. It is the name of the beautiful church of the apostles which by Christs love carried the Gospel to the whole world( Col. 1:23 ). The date for this church rough is from the time of Christ through 100 A. D. Verse 2:2-6 Like a brilliant star shining im a dark sky, the story of the early church thrills hearts in all ages. It triumphed everywhere. Hard, proud ,world-loving hearts were subdued by its power. Believers voluntarily worked for their friends and neighbors. The love of Christ constrained them. They woudnt resist. Each saw in his brother a reflection of the beauty of Christ. Hearts were bound together as with a golden chain. = But gradually, many lost that first love-the agape love,like sunshine having all the colours of the gospel truth. The church lost the very idea of Christs love- the power house of the gospel. = This love for enemies turned the world upside down = Leaving the agape love prepared the way for the corruption of Christianity. It was like putting a candle in place of the sun. = It was the beginning of the falling away foretold by Paul (2 Thessalonians 2:3-7) * The Nicolaitans were a group within the church that who claimed to be disciples of Nicolas(Acts 6:5). They taught that it was right and good to yield to evil lust and passion. Verse 7 - A man may have ears yet not listen. Children are taught to pay attention. Because humanity is too proud to listen, the Lord says, Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise( Provebs 22:17). The wise one is Jesus, the faithful and true witness. ( Read Ecclesiates 7:5 ) =the tree of life was in the garden of Eden and wil be replanted in the new earth( Rev. 22:2 ) =what is to OVERCOME? It is triump over sin. Verse 8-11 SMYRNA means something that smells sweet. -the second period of the church was of persecution and suffering, from about A.D 100 to about A.D 313 = God does not enjoy seing His people suffer, but their faithfulness and loyalty under trial honours the name of the Saviour. =the Jews mentioned were members who professed to follow Christ, but in heart were lovers of self and of the world. They made trouble for the true followers of Christ and did their best to bring in heathen beliefs and customs to corrupt the faith. =ten days of tribulation are a prophetic period of time representing years ( Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6, I have laid for you a day for each year ) =the last and most bloody pagan persecution was under the Emperor Diocletian between A.D 303-313, which fulfilled the ten days prophetic symbolic time remarkably -those who die for Christ need not fear because they shall live again at the first resurrection and forever more. Verses 12-17 PERGAMOS means height, elevation. -the original city of Pergamos was built on a high rocky hill rising a thousand feet above the valley. =between A.D 313 and A.D 538 the church was highly exalted, respected,honored and praised by the world. It made lots of converts that even the Emperor Constantine professed to be a Christian. - REMEMBER THIS WAS THE TIME PERSECUTION CEASED. =however, the church entered a time of great danger- satan had failed to destroy the church through persecution, now he began to corrupt the faith withing. = in history, there is no single individual called ANTIPAS. Anti means opposed, and Papas means father or pope. ANTIPAS were a group of those who opposed the rise and claims of the papacy. Christ commended them(Antipas) =these were killed because they defended the truth. * BUT REMEMBER- satan set his seat in the church. * heathenism entered the church. Human theories and traditions replaced the requirements of God * comromise beween paganism and Christianity gave way to the man of sin foretoldin prophecy. He opposf God and exalted himself above God = To secure worldly gains and honors, the church was led to seek the favour and support of the great men of earth; and having thus rejected Christ, she was induced to yield allegiance to the REPRESENTATIVE OF SATAN-THE BISHOP OF ROME. Verses 18-23 THYATIRA means sacrifice. This was the darkest and longest time of Christian persecution from A.D 538. God never forgot those who remained loyalt to him during the papal persecution. -Jezebel is the name God gave to a group in the church whose beliefs and character resembled that of the heathen queen of ancient Israel. =we cannot blame Gods people in the Dark Ages for weakening a little now and then to permit Jezebel of Roman apostasy to teach and beguile Gods servants. Apostasy is very subtle and alluring. But Jesus rebuked His church in the Dark Ages for weakening a little! Do not weaken your hold on the Lord and let the enemy discourage you. He will punish Jezebel and will honour all who have endured trial and suffering for His cause. Verses 24-29 =to the meek, rulership will be given at His return
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:58:46 +0000

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