REVELATION NOW! To Ashkenazim Hellenogenes Hebrews: About - TopicsExpress


REVELATION NOW! To Ashkenazim Hellenogenes Hebrews: About Sino-Tibetan motivated Nazism. WE ASK: Before Hitler became Chancellor he was or not in regular contact with the Tibetan “monk of Shambala” who called himself “The key holder of the Kingdom of Agharta”, and who by the orders of Dalai Lama, has taken the task of initiating Hitler? WE ASK: Was or was not HAUSHOFFER the elder, member of the anti-lodge “THULE” namely a member of a nazi lodge? YES, HE WAS!! Had or had not jew rabbi of Berlin Haushoffer the elder, traveled and initiated in Tibet? YES,HE HAD!!! Was or was not rabbi Haushoffer the elder, the spiritual teacher of Hitler, and the only one who had the right to visit him in prison before Hitler rose to power? YES, HE WAS!!! Was or was not jew rabbi of Hungary and magician Lincoln Von Trembits, a member of the nazi lodge “ANENEHRBE”? YES HE WAS!!! Had jew rabbi Lincoln Von Trembits or had not travelled and initiated to demonic Lamaism inTibet? YES HE WAS!!! (Also initiated to the supreme dragonian lodge HONG of Sin-Zion-Sina-China)Was jew rabbi Lincoln Von Trembits or was not a spiritual teacher of Hitler? YES HE WAS!!! Was or was not jew rabbi Rosenberg, he who wrote the “GOSPEL OF THE NAZI THEORY”? YES HE WAS!!!Was or was not jew rabbi Rosenberg he who until today is recognized from all Nazis as “THE GREATEST THEORETICIAN OF NAZISM”? YES HE WAS!!!Was or was not Hitler, a bastard son of Jew Baron Rothschild (Frankfurt Rothschild’s) with his Jewish maidservant? YES HE WAS!!! Was or was not Jew Hitlers’s father or Hisler, he who adopted the bastard son of Jew Rothschild? YES HE WAS!!! Is or it isn’t Hebrew the name of the village BRAUNAU in which he lived as a custom’s officer Hitler’s father? YES IT IS!!! Was or was not Jewish the majority of the Village BRAUNAU population? YES IT WAS!!!They were Jewish and magicians, namely it was a village of Jewish Satanists!!! BRAUNAU: Nursery garden of Jewish magicians and mediums … famous in whole Germany and Austria.Now more deeper: Was or was not executed by the Russian regiment of “St. George” a whole company of Tibetans monks (Berlin Garrison) wearing “SS” uniforms and with shaved heads, because they weren’t carrying ID’s and they were assumed to be “spies”? Was or was not this company of Tibetans the garrison of the Arch rabbinia of Berlin unofficially and officially a Nazi Anti-Lodge? YES IT WAS!!! SO, FOR WHICH “HEBREW HOLOCAUST” YOU SPEAK TODAY? If you mean a holocaust ordered by Jews of Europe, we agree. What has happened here? We will explain to you the unexplained and the undiscovered, after we ask three more questions :Is it true or not that after the collapse of the 3rd Reich, the remaining living Jews of Thessaloniki were trying to find and kill the rabbi of Thessaloniki because it was proved that this rabbi gave to Gestapo the list with the names and addresses of Thessaloniki Jews? YES ITIS!!! Was Eichmann, the leader of “SS”, a Hebrew of Germany, yes or no? YES HE WAS!!! No.2 Borman ? ALSO!!! Was a Hebrew major of “SS”, with name that ended in the classical Hebrew catalexis –BERGER, he who ordered the genocide of Hellenes in the Hellenic Kalavrita? YES HE WAS!!!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:40:52 +0000

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