REVOLUTION AGAINST IMPERIALISM Fellow Nigerians, another part of - TopicsExpress


REVOLUTION AGAINST IMPERIALISM Fellow Nigerians, another part of my article to Nigerians is again open today. It is an article on which hangs the destiny of the over one hundred and sixty million Nigerians! The primary aim of this article is to overthrow all forms of imperialism, and liberate all Nigerians from the shackles and bondage which has always been the bane of our development! It is also an article to defeat the imperialist aggressors, build up a new Nigeria, and liberate the entire suffering black people of Africa! Imperialism in its simplest meaning is the domination and controlling of the developing nations by the so called developed nations economically, socially, and politically! With this simple definition, it is lucid enough for any Nigerians to understand the meaning of imperialism. The present situation in Nigeria is that of penury, hardships and sufferings. The once buoyant economy which “has now defied all logic”, according to a former Head of State, is now in the doldrums! The common man on the streets are more affected and fed up. These are the same masses that were once happy and contended in this country, but who can no more afford to take two out of the three square meals as a result of poverty and penury! Gone were the good old days when Nigeria embarks on gigantic projects without any external borrowings. Then, Nigeria was a wealthy, prosperous, and comfortable nation. But through imperialism, our natural resources were plundered, mismanaged and squandered by the corrupt, myopic, greedy, parochial, and unpatriotic kleptomaniacs that have been parading themselves as our leaders since independence in 1960! As a result, the country was led back to the period of penury, starvation, and oil doom as against the period of oil boom! The country’s currency which was once as valuable as the diamond have been tactically devalued and rendered worthless as the dog’s dinner in the international market through the “Greek gift” given to us as loans on “humanitarian ground”, but which were meant to siphon the riches of the economy by those imperialists among which are the world bank, I.M.F, Paris club, London club, and the rest! Through imperialism, Nigeria was discouraged from establishing a formidable steel industry, let alone start the production of made in Nigeria cars! Sequel to this, Nigeria was turned into a junk yard and dumping ground by the imperialists and flooded with worthless materials popularly called “Tokunbo”! A country that was once flowing with ‘milk’ and ‘honey’ is now flowing with trash! Fellow Nigerians, without going too far, imperialism is one of the root causes of this country’s sufferings and hardships and backwardness! This country is without doubt, heading for the abyss if some corrective measures are not employed in ameliorating it. All of us must take up the cudgel and carry the war into the imperialists’ camp! “A stitch in time, they say, saves nine”. Going down the memory lane, we should try and remember Chairman Mao Tsen Tung who led the Chinese peasants’ revolution against Japanese imperialism in 1949, the French revolution of 1789 by the oppressed against King Louis XVI the oppressor, the American civil war of 1865 by the citizens against slave trade, and the Russian revolution of 1917 by the peasants against the Czars. (The land owners) And just to remind us if we had forgotten, the recent citizens revolution against the tyrannical and obnoxious rule of President Idi Amin of Uganda, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Samuel Doe of Liberia, Muammar Gadaffi of Libya, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and a host of others! Such examples are interminable. In view of this, ours should not be an exemption while we continue to suffer in the hands of these sadist imperialists through our dubious, corrupt, self centred and “Mumu” leaders! To be concise, two roads lie before Nigerians: The road to be enslaved forever, or the road to be liberated forever. Two possible destinies also await Nigerians: a bright and a gloomy destiny. Presently, imperialism is a clog in the wheel of progress and development of this nation! It must be defeated. But even when it is defeated, these two prospects will still confront us as a nation. An independent Nigerian which is democratic, sovereign, united, and prosperous, with a bright and new Nigeria, or a Nigeria where corruption, tribalism, ethnicity, injustice, despotism, impunity, tyranny and oppressions is the order of the day! That is, an old and corrupt Nigeria! Be it a new or old Nigeria, the two prospects lie before Nigerians! In defeating imperialism, our main task is none other than boldly arousing Nigerians into action. Expanding and uniting the people’s forces under the leadership of a patriotic, dedicated, and people-oriented leader! Nigerians will be able to revolt against all forms of imperialism and build a bright new Nigeria that will no more depend on any “Greek gift” known as aid! A Nigeria that will be free to determine the value of her currency and oil in the international market, but not by the economic predators of the so called developed nations! Then, we shall be able to build a Nigeria where the prices of foods, accommodation, healthcare and education will be within the reach of the masses. A Nigeria with frugal and people-oriented leaders! A Nigeria where corruption, misplaced priority, treasury looting, terrorism, kidnapping, illegal oil bunkering, armed robbery, extra-judicial killings, joblessness, illiteracy, hunger, disease and the rest will be a thing of the past! Above all, we shall be able to build a Nigeria where justice and the rule law will reign forever! We need a just and correct policy that will expand the forces and arouse the downtrodden masses into action so that under the leadership of a courageous, dedicated, and people-oriented leaders like Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chairman Mao Tse Tung, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Mahatma Gandhi, Patrice Lumumba, Nelson Mandela, and host of others, we will defeat the imperialist aggressors and build up a new Nigeria where the value of Naira will be as high as the British pound sterling and the American dollar! Nigerians have gone through fifty-three years of independence from the British invaders with nothing to show other than penury, pains, hardships and sufferings with the collaborations of some self-centred, greedy, corrupt and megalomaniac leaders who “points to their father’s house with left hand” as the Yoruba adage goes! Nigeria should now become the centre of gravity in the struggle against imperialism and the endeavour to save the country from fallen into the abyss of eternal destruction. In the struggle for liberation, defeating and building a new Nigeria, the centre of gravity does not lie elsewhere: it lies right here in Nigeria. To achieve all these aims to the fullest, we must be very modest, cautious, guide against arrogance and deceit, serve Nigerians with heart and soul in order to be able to build a bright new Nigeria before the advent of the future generations. Fellow Nigerians, we must all revolt against imperialism because it is an ill wind that does not blow any country any good. Without any retirement, and with our backs to the walls, and believing in the justice of our cause, every one of us must fight on until when imperialism is utterly annihilated! According to Eleanor Roosevelt, “nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 11:13:24 +0000

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