REVelations in the Simple Things... I’m reading the book Start: - TopicsExpress



REVelations in the Simple Things... I’m reading the book Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters by Jon Acuff. (A read I highly recommend.) In it, the following question is raised: What do your voices tell you? It’s easy to respond one of two ways: 1) Voices? What voices? That’s what crazy people experience! 2) They say a lot. I fell into category one for a split second and then got “real” with myself and switched to category two. Then I was prompted to get really “real” and pay closer attention to what the voices are saying. Let me give you an example. I put my book down and went to grab a snack. I reached for a baggie of chocolate animal crackers. Before I even touched the bag the voices started: Voice: You know that’s a bad choice. Me: Yes, but I really want them. Voice: I know. Eat them. You have no will power any way. Me: You’re right. What’s the point in even trying to resist them?! (pop a couple in my mouth) Voice: They’re good aren’t they? Take another handful. Me: But I really shouldn’t. The first bite is always the best. I should have my treat in moderation and move on to an apple. Voice: Yes, you should, but you’re not going to. You’ll always be out of control. Just give up now instead of always fighting. Within a matter of 5 seconds all of those thoughts ran through my mind. Hyper aware of “voices” from reading the book, I was astonished at how fast and powerful those thoughts influenced my actions and self-worth. Then, along the lines of the book, I began to think about my career path. Bam! The voices returned in a flash. Why miss a perfect opportunity? Me: I know what God showed me. I had a hard time believing it then and it still seems like a far reach. Voice: Far reach? More like impossible! Me: But I know it was from God and I believe in His plan and promises. Voice: Ok, but how are you going to get there? How many years ago did He show you this? And where are you now? Me: I have no idea how I’m going to get from here to there. It was a long time ago. I have pretty much nothing to prove I’m on that track. But I’ve grown so much in my faith! Voice: That’s nice. Don’t you think you should be putting more effort into this instead of waiting for God’s timing? How many times do you say you don’t have time? If you have an idea, why haven’t you acted on developing it? Me: I’m paralyzed. Frozen. Stuck. A failure in carrying out my part of God’s great plan. I realized how quickly these conversations take place and how often they must occur throughout the day. They are so commonplace that I’ve allowed them to freely flow in and out of my mind, not realizing the detrimental impact. In a matter of seconds I can become discouraged, defeated, and down right down. The voices are lies that come from the father of lies, Satan. He comes to kill, steal, and destroy every hope, dream, and -as I’ve come to understand – every minute of my day. Answering the question, “What do your voices tell you?” made me realize more than ever the imperative importance of listening for the voice of Truth and holding my thoughts captive. (2 Corinthians 10:5) After all, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1) The Word is our guide. It was Jesus who ever so directly mapped out the path to truth when he told Pilate in John 18, “Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” God’s counsel is sure and His voice is the one we should strain our ear to hear - the voice of truth. Now that’s what I call Revived Encouraged and Valued.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 18:56:34 +0000

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