ROTC needs to get its ducks in a row, like, pronto. Leadership, as - TopicsExpress


ROTC needs to get its ducks in a row, like, pronto. Leadership, as in ALL leadership, from CO down to us, the squad leaders, needs to stop and LOOK at their cadets. If you think youre better than someone else because you have a shiny piece of metal, you better brace yourself for the real world, because there WILL be people above you. If you think because youre in ROTC youre special and automatically better than anybody who isnt in the program, or doesnt know how the military functions, or all manner of things one would think makes them better than the next guy, YOU ARE NOT. ROTC looks good on a resume, and it might, just might earn you a scholarship. Past that, it doesnt get you jack squat in life. So face forward, stop thinking youre hot stuff, and fix your cadets. I realized how much work my squad needed like three days ago (with the help of other cadets) and today at AMI, they excelled far beyond what i expected. And you know why? BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO. All i had to do was push them in the right direction, so they would see that they wanted it. So stop kissing your own asses, and give your cadets the same push i gave mine. And if you dont know how to push, turn in your rank, because you cant do the job that got you that rank.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 06:44:42 +0000

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