ROTHSCHILD MONEY TRUST BY GEORGE ARMSTRONG PREFACE Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild fortune, at the time of his death in 1812, created a trust of his estate, by will, for the elevation of the Jewish race and the estab- lishment of a Jewish World Empire. The cardinal principles of the trust were secrecy, that the estate should be kept intact as a unit, that the heirs and their heirs should have only a communal interest in it, and that the estate as a whole should be governed by the eldest son of the eldest son unless a majority of the heirs determined otherwise. The estate has been preserved and managed since his death as a unit in pursuance of the provisions of his will. There are now several hundred heirs, for the family is a prolific one, but the estate is communal and still under the management of one head. So far as known, the provisions of the wills of the mem- bers of the family still contain in substance the directions of the founder of the fortune. History affords but meager information regarding the rulers of this fortune and the extent of it, because of their secretive methods. No inventory has ever been filed and no division has ever been sought by any heir. Most of the histories of the Rothschild family are either Jewish or strongly pro-Jewish. While they are extravagant in praise of the virtues of the different members of the Roths- child family, they are rather meager in facts. The facts herein related have been gleaned from many sources and are based on information believed to be reliable. We do not know the extent of the founders fortune at the time of his death in 1812, nor do we know the present magnitude of it, but apparently it represents about one-half of the wealth of the world. This huge fortune has been devoted with great shrewdness and energy to the purpose of exploiting the Gentiles in all the countries of the globe. The methods employed are the manipu- lation of currencies, speculations on the exchanges, and wars. The Rothschilds by these operations profit enormously because they have the power by virtue of their immense wealth and po- litical power, to put prices up or down at pleasure. It is for these reasons that we have had most of our wars and depressions. The protocols and the communists code, which are identi- cal in purpose and intent, represent their plan for the conquest of the world. Both of these codes were published subsequent to Mayer Amschels death, but some of the protocols appear to have been in existence prior thereto. They, however, represent his principles as shown by all that we know of him. This book is not written in a spirit of anti-Semitism, for I have Jewish friends that I do not wish to injure. It is written in the hope that it may be helpful in solving our Jewish prob- lem peaceably and by appropriate legislation. To the extent that the remedies herein suggested may contribute to that end they will be helpful to the Jews as well as to the balance of us, for it is certain that the people of this country will never meekly sub- mit to slavery. In writing and publishing this book I am inspired by no other motive than to render a service to my country. I realize that I am taking some risk in doing so — at least that of perse- cution. Adequate provision has been made for the publication and distribution of this book regardless of the author. September 12, 1940. George Armstrong THE ROTHSCHILD EMPIRE I. The Protocols For ages past the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted, have been working to open up a path to power. They are hit- ting the mark. They control the economic life of the accursed Christians; their influence preponderates over politicians and over manners. — From Funeral Oration of Rabbi Reichhorn. Professor Serge Nilus of Russia published the Jewish Pro- tocols in 1905. They purport to represent the minutes of secret meetings of the leading men of the Jewish race, and to set forth their plans for acquiring thewealth of the peoples of the world, for the overthrow of all governments, and for the creation of the Kingdom of the Jews with a Jewish king. It is stated in the in- troduction of the booklet that the protocols means minutes of the proceedings of the Learned Elders of Zion and that these protocols give the substance of addresses delivered to the inner- most circles of the rulers of Zion. It is also stated that the presumption is strong that the protocols were issued or re-issued at the first Zionist Congress held at Basle (Switzerland) in 1897 under the presidency of the father of modern Zionism, the late Theodore Herzl. It is also stated that the names of the present elders are a profound se- cret, that they are the Hidden Hand that rules the world, and that they probably consist of three hundred men, each of whom knows all of the others, govern the fate of the European conti- nent, and they elect their successors from their entourage. (Quoting the late Walter Rathnau, a Jew of Germany, as au- thority.) The Learned Elders of Zion was probably a religious order in the beginning, as indicated by the name. But if such was the original foundation of the order, its character, and like- wise its name, has since been changed. It is now purely a politi- cal racial organization and its present name is the Council of the Jewish Agency. It is likely that the name was changed on account of the exposure by Nilus. This order must be distinguished from Elders of the Syna- gogue and Elders of Israel, which are purely religious or- ganizations. It must also be distinguished from the Zionist Congress and Zionist General Council. These two latter or- ganizations are semi-religious and semi-political and they are also semi-secret and semi-public. They are composed wholly of members of the Zionist church, but not all Jews by any means are church-men. It is also to be distinguished from the ancient Jewish Sy- marium or San Hedrin which was the supreme judicial and ad- ministrative authority during the reign of the Roman Herod, when Christ was crucified. It was composed of their Chief Priests, rulers, scribes, and Elders. and was at that time the supreme judicial and political Jewish authority. A recent convention of the Zionist Congress was held in Zurich, Switzerland, for the purpose of considering the parti- tion of Palestine, which was attended by 480 delegates, from all countries. It appears from the proceedings of this convention that Professor Chaim Weinzmann, formerly of Russia but now of England, was re-elected as president of this international con- gress ; that Rabbi Wise of New York is president of the American branch; that an executive committee of eleven was appointed with full authority to act; that the Zionist General Council was increased from 54 to 70, the additional members being ap- pointed by the convention. It appears also from the proceedings of this convention that it defined the policy of the Zionist Church toward the partition of Palestine, subject to the approval of the Council of the Jew- ish Agency the final authority — the present Learned Elders of Zion, the secret three hundred, the Hidden Hand. It ap- pears also that the Royal Commission of the British Govern- ment made its report regarding the partition of Palestine to Lord Rothschild as a member of the Council of the Jewish Agency and not to Professor Weinzmann as the head of the Zionist Congress. It appears also that the reason therefor is the fact that the Council of the Jewish Agency is the author- ized agency of the Jewish race — sectarian and non-sectarian. Thus the supreme authority of this Jewish Agency is of- ficially recognized by both the British Government and the Zion- ist Congress, although the latter is composed of regularly elect- ed delegates from all countries of the world. What is it? Who are its present members? By what authority does it act? What are its purposes? And why all of this secrecy if its purposes are honest and legitimate? We cannot know much about this order because of its secret character and its secret methods. We know that Lord Rothschild was until his recent death a member of it, and that Lord Mel- chett of England is now said to be its chairman. We may as- sume that the Rothschild family have dominated it since the time of Amschel Rothschild. It is the government of the financial power of the Jewish race that rules the world, including Amer- ica. It is the cabal of the leading Jewish bankers and politicians who were formerly called the Elders of Zion and now the Council of the Jewish Agency. Whatever may have been the original character and purposes of the Learned Elders of Zion there can be no doubt about the fact that there was such an organization, that it now exists in some form, and that it is seeking to carry out the program set out in the protocols and according to the plan of the protocols. There is no other explanation of the secret Council of the Jew- ish Agency and its achievements. There is no other explanation of the Versailles peace treaty, the League of Nations, the Bank of International Settlements, the International Labor Board, the deliberate impoverishment of the people of the world by the manipulations of the Elders, and for the present wars and past wars. This is all a definite program with a definite purpose, and that program and purpose are truly set out with brutal frank- ness in the protocols. 10 n. The Protocols Are Authentic Per me reges requant. It is through me that kings reign. And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God himself to rule over the whole earth. God has endowed us with genius that we may he equal to our task.— From Protocol 5. The Jews, of course, deny the authenticity of the Protocols. It is natural that they should do so. To admit it would be to de- feat the purposes of their scheme. Moreover, the plan itself calls for such secrecy and duplicity. The program is so cruel, so inhuman, so diabolical, and the objects to be accomplished appear so fantastic and remote that it is difficult to believe that this program still obtains. It should, however, be remembered that since the publications of the proto- cols a great and powerful nation, Russia, has been conquered by a handful of Jews; that Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Paul Warburg, and other Jews, financed the coup de etat by which the Jews secured control of the Russian government; and that the cruel and in- human methods set out in the protocols were followed mercilessly in Russia by its Jewish government. It should be also remem- bered that the Jewish Second and Third Internationals of Russia are now actively organizing the forces of communism in every country of the world, including our own. There are more Jews in America today than there were in Russia when the government was overthrown, and they are much more powerful and aggressive. It is estimated that there are now 80 times more communists in America than there were in Russia at that time. The same methods that were employed for the overthrow of the Czarist regime are being pursued here, viz: political corruption and class hatred. As cruel and inhuman and incredible as are the protocols, they are no more so than the Talmud, whose authenticity the Jews admit. In fact the spirit and philosophy of the protocols permeate the Talmud, and vice versa. They are both founded upon the false premise that the Jews are a superior people and that they are the chosen people. They both breathe the same hatred and contempt for the Christian Gentile whom they call the goyim. They both not only justify but advocate the exploit- ation and enslavement of the despised goyim. 11 The Talmud is the law and gospel of the Jews. It is their bible and civil law as defined and interpreted by their chief priests and Rabbis. It must be admitted by every critical student of history that the Talmud has not merely been the means of keeping alive the religious idea among the Jews, but has formed their strongest bond of union.* It is not the Talmud but the rabbi that has kept alive the racial and religious solidarity and bigotry and intolerance of the Jews. The following brief quotations from The Talmud Un- masked** are examples of it: The life of a Goi and all his powers belong to a Jew. (A. Rohl. Die Polem. p. 20). (P. 71). In Choschen Ham. (266.1) it says: A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum, for it is written: Return to thy brethren what is lost (Deuter. XXII, 3). For he who returns lost property (to Christians) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. (P. 72). In Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d) it says: God created them in the form of men for the glory of Israel. But Akum were created for the sole end of ministering unto them (the Jews) day and night. Nor can they ever be relieved of this service. It is becoming to the son of a king (an Israelite) that animals in their natural form, and animals in the form of hu- man beings should minister unto him. (P. 50). And in Eben Haezer (44, 8) : If a Jew enters into mar- riage with an Akum (Christian), or with his servant, the mar- riage is null. For they are not capable of entering into mat- rimony. Likewise if an Akum or a servant enter into matri- mony with a Jew, the marriage is null. (P. 51). Many of these dicta are ancient but have never been repud- iated or repealed and the spirit of them still prevails. They still constitute the law for the Jews, both civil and ecclesiastical. The Talmud is made up of the decisions and interpretations of the rabbis, in the same manner that our common law has been formed by our judges and commentators. No matter how ancient the dictum, it is the law until overruled by a contrary one. *Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 23, p. 38. **The Talmud Unmasked by Rev. I. B. Prainatis, Copy- righted by Col. E. N. Sanctuary, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York,N.Y. 12 The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol 4, p. 294-296, defines the rabbis functions as follows: Rabbi (my master); function to teach the scriptures and the oral and traditional laws ... In the Jewish religion the rabbi is no priest, no apostle, he has no hierarchical authority. He is a teacher, one who unfolds and explains religion, teaches the young in the school, the old from the pulpit, and both by his writings. The reader should observe the intermingling of their civil and religious laws. Both appear to be based on their interpreta- tion of the old testament (see reference to Deuter. XXII, 3 above). They are so confused that it is impossible to determine where their religion ends and their civil law begins. It is clear, however, that both in a civil and religious sense they regard themselves as a chosen people, a superior race who are entitled to rule us (the goyim), and are entitled to our services and to everything we have. We Gentiles were cre- ated for the purpose of serving them, of being their slaves. Al- though in the form of human beings we are no better than ani- mals. We are not worthy of marrying one of them, either man or woman, and if we do, such marriage is illegal and void. They have adhered to this law rather religiously throughout the ages and in all countries. The author sums up their estimate of us (the goyim) as follows: They are idolaters, the worst kind of people, much worse than the Turks, murderers, fornicators, impure animals, like dirt, unworthy to be called men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name of beasts, cows, asses, pigs, dogs, worse than dogs; that they propagate after the manner of beasts, that they have a diabolic origin, that their souls come from the devil and re- turn to the devil in hell after death; and that even the body of a dead Christian is nothing different from that of an ani- mal.* The following are samples of their estimate of Christians and of our Savior, Jesus Christ: In Hilkhoth Akum (X, 1) it says: Do not eat with idol- aters, nor permit them to worship their idols; for it is written: Make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them (Deu- ter. ch. 7); 2). Either turn them away from their idols or kill them. *The Talmud Unmasked. P. 46. 13 Ibidem (X, 7) : In places where Jews are strong, no idolater must be allowed to remain.** The book Zohar, III (282) tells us that Jesus died like a beast and was buried in that dirt heap . . . where they throw the dead bodies of dogs and asses, and where the sons of Esau (the Christians) and of Ismael (the Turks), also Jesus and Mahommad, uncircumcized and unclean like dead dogs, are buried.*** The author sums up their verdict as follows: The Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ was illegitimate arid was conceived during menstruation; that he had the soul of Esau; that he was a fool, a conjurer, a seducer; that he was crucified, buried in hell and set up as an idol ever since by his followers. (P. 30). They call this a religion and they insist on their privilege to worship God as they choose, and they decry our intolerance and bigotry. The Christian religion is based upon love and char- ity and repentance and the forgiveness of sin. There is no charity, no love, no repentance here; there is nothing but pride, intolerance, and hatred. The Christian religion is everything the Talmud is not, and the Talmud is everything the Christian religion is not; it and its devotees are the anti-Christ. We have the spectacle now of a Jewish rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Protestant preacher going about over the country at Jewish expense preaching tolerance; a virtue that is utterly foreign to the Jewish religion and the Jewish character. The chief priests and rabbis who wrote the various and numerous dissertations set forth in the Talmud could have writ- ten the protocols. They are of kindred nature and expression; they are made of the same cloth and patterned in the same fash- ion. We prefer to think that the Talmud and the protocols mis- represent the viewpoint of the Jews that we know and with whom we come in daily contact, and that may be true of many of them. However that may be, we know that the Jews hold them- selves as a race apart and that they adhere religiously to their ancient racial customs and rituals and organizations. We know also that they blindly follow the leader, and that their rabbis and Learned Elders are their leaders. They believe in their **p. 83. ***p. 36. 14 Talmud and obey its edicts — indeed they must do so or suffer racial ostracism; and they worship the Rothschilds and the Rothschild power that rules them. These and similar proclamations as set forth in the Talmud, constitute the bond that has held the race together. They ex- plain the fact that the Jew does not assimilate with other races. They are based on the false assumption that the Jews are a chosen and superior people. The Talmud is mistaken. The Jews are not a chosen or a superior people. God never made any such mistake as that. The history of the race is not one of achievement of anything except money. It is one of chiselling and of defrauding the peo- ples of the various countries in which they have resided, which has often been followed by their own alleged persecution. In this life we usually reap what we sow, or in common parlance, get what is coming to us. The history of Judaism is proof of the truth of this proverb. It may be conceded that the Jew is more shrewd and cun- ning, and a better trader and manipulator of money than the Gentile — but that represents the limit of his superiority and achievements. The Jew has contributed but little to science, invention, art, to the wealth of nations, or to the advancement of civilization. I hope that I am not intolerant and anti-Semitic, but I con- fess that I have no patience with a religion that denounces Christ as a bastard, an imposter and a cheat, and that glories in his crucifixion; and I am against a race that holds me as an inferior being and seeks to enslave me. I nevertheless wish to be fair and just, as well as candid and plain-spoken, in my discussion of the subject. I can make allowance for the fact that the Jews feel, and probably righteously so, an ancient grievance against the Gen- tiles because of past oppressions, which is kept alive by their rabbis and Learned Elders and their protocols and Talmud. But it is high time for them to get over it, to forget their vengeance and to abandon their ambitious designs, particularly here in America where we do not want to harm them, and wish to accord them all of the rights and privileges we enjoy. The renegade Gentiles who cooperate with them in further- ing their villainous scheme, viz., to enslave the peoples of the world, are no better than the Jews. They are in fact worse, for they are without the excuse of race or religion. They are simply unmitigated scoundrels. They will herein be designated for de- scriptive purposes as Jewish. This term will be used also in de- scribing hybrids and those suspected of Jewish blood. Research further;
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:29:37 +0000

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