Race report. 28th September. London League Vets - Hernes Hill - TopicsExpress


Race report. 28th September. London League Vets - Hernes Hill Velodrome. My expectation was of winter afternoons, fighting against rain, sleet, cold and a few battle-worn mud encrusted men. Today - my first foray into cyclocross - couldnt have been more different. Dozens of seasoned vets all lined up for seven laps of exhilarating racing in the baking hot sun, facing fast dusty trails and endless tight technical turns. Racing CX is very much like racing the last two disciplines of a triathlon. At my level, Im racing myself. And just like my triathlons, there is always a person ahead. Someone to out brake, out accelerate, out apex. Someone to beat. Add to this the constant need to drive power through the pedals, hold balance, soak up the ruts and bumps, jump off at speed, remount and clip in at speed - all without respite or freewheeling - and you have a near perfect sport. I have no idea how I got on. Put it this way. Ian Andrew Watson lapped me and at one point some asked if I was OK? Im having a nap was my attempt at humour in reply. But it doesnt matter. Last year, I borrowed a mountain bike from Grant Venter for a day of offroad. I said then that it was the most fun I had had on a bike for years. Well, today is up there too. If youre thinking about trying CX this year, go for it. Its fast, hard, exhilarating and slightly ridiculous. You will smile, your legs will scream and the beer afterwards will taste extra sweet. You can even borrow my bike.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:18:50 +0000

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