Ramadan is the month of victory for Jihad. the victory of the - TopicsExpress


Ramadan is the month of victory for Jihad. the victory of the battle of Badr was in the month of ramadan. Salahuddin Ayubi defeated the crusades in ramadan during the battle of Hittin. the Mamluks, commanded by Baybars who later became the Khalifa defeated the Mongols during the battle of Ain jalut in the month of ramadan. Tariq bin Ziyad in islamic Spain defeated the Spanish army in the month of Ramadan. Tariq ibn Ziyad was a general who led the Islamic conquest of Visigothic Hispania in 711-718 A.D. He is considered to be one of the most important military commanders in Iberian history. Under the orders of the Umayyad Caliph Al-Walid I he led a large army from the north coast of Morocco, consolidating his troops at a large hill now known as Gibraltar. The name "Gibraltar" is the Spanish derivation of the Arabic name Jabal Tāriq, meaning "mountain of Tariq", named after him. It is said whilst sailing across the sea, which separates Africa from Andalus, Tariq saw in his dream the prophet (pbuh) surrounded by arabs of the Muhajiruun and Ansaars, who with unsheathed swords and bended bows stood by him. They also heard the prophet (pbuh) say ” take courage, O Tariq! and accomplish what you are destined to perform. ” On hearing this, he looked around him and saw the messenger of Allah (pbuh) and his companions entering Andalus. Tariq immediately awoke from his sleep with a smile, and from that moment on he never doubted victory. In the midst of Visigothic civil war, the heirs of the King Witiza requested Muslim intervention into Spain. A former slave turned vizier of North Africa was sent to the country. On April 30th of that year he landed at a point close to the huge rock which dominates the entrance to the Mediterranean. He led an army of 7,000 men and was unreservedly outnumbered by the enemy. There was an aura of fear and skepticism amongst the Muslim flanks; upon knowing which, the General ordered his loyal men to burn all the ships that had carried them here and thus were only source of a safe journey back home. That man, that fearless leader was called Tariq Ibn-Ziyad. Once all the ships were burnt, he addressed his soldiers and said; “Brothers in Islam! We now have the enemy in front of us and the deep sea behind us. We cannot return to our homes, because we have burnt our boats. We shall now either defeat the enemy and win or die a coward’s death by drowning in the sea. Who will follow me?” Afterwards, the Muslim army emerged victorious and conquered Spain. The place where he landed was named Jabal Al-Tariq by the Muslims, later twisted to Gibraltar. Eight-hundred years later, Hernán Cortés copied this tactic while invading Mexico for the Spanish.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 23:28:34 +0000

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