Randall – I hope you saw Bob’s message. Families in New Jersey - TopicsExpress


Randall – I hope you saw Bob’s message. Families in New Jersey and across the country are struggling every day to get by. We have to demand an end to these unfair tax subsidies for oil companies making billions in profits. Add your name now and tell Washington: Enough is enough! Big Oil needs to pay its fair share. Thanks, Team Menendez ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bob Menendez Date: Tue, Jun 10, 2014 Subject: Crushing Friends, Every time you hear Republicans complain about the federal budget, remember this: Big Oil companies are currently subsidized by American taxpayers to the tune of $2.4 billion every year. This despite being some of the most profitable corporations on the entire planet, with the top five oil companies raking in $93 billion in profits last year — or about $177,000 each minute. And Republicans? They’re just fine with it. With so many families in New Jersey and across the country still struggling just to get by, it’s well past time to demand an end to these unfair subsidies to companies making billions in profits. Middle-class families have been paying their fair share — why haven’t we asked the same of Big Oil? Click here to add your name in support of the Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act and tell Congress to put taxpayers ahead of multi-billion dollar corporations. If Republicans were serious about wanting to get the economy back on track for the middle class, they’d know there’s no way we can afford to continue to hand over billions of taxpayer dollars to Big Oil like this. These tax breaks do nothing to help the vast majority of Americans. They only increase inequality and increase our budget deficit while lining the pockets of executives at some of the most profitable companies in the world. Look, there are many issues we face that are complicated — but this one is actually pretty simple. The American people deserve better than to see billions of their tax dollars given away to some of the richest corporations in the world. Will you join me today in calling on Congress to finally put an end to these giveaways? Add your name here and tell Washington: Enough is enough. Big Oil needs to pay its fair share. Thanks, Bob democratsenators.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=H5I9S52T4Cs%2BDVyhclms3YlSfSje%2FQEx This message was sent to redm5954@rocketmail. To unsubscribe from our email list, please click here. PAID FOR BY MENENDEZ FOR SENATE
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 22:06:46 +0000

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