Random Kingsport Story of the Week: Christmas Carrion, by Donald - TopicsExpress


Random Kingsport Story of the Week: Christmas Carrion, by Donald R. Burleson Our second Kingsport-set Christmas tale this week, Christmas Carrion is a charming mash-up of Lovecrafts The Terrible Old Man with Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. Christmas eve, & the Terrible Old Man hides at home, grown fearful & pitiful in his agedness. Mate Ellis & the other spirits of his old crew, disgusted by this, come out of their lead-pendulum bottles & harangue their former captain for what he has become. But the old man will have a chance to redeem himself, for he is to receive three visitors, & unlike Scrooges, his request to take them all at once is met with hearty approval! Thus is the stage set for a retelling of the attempted robbery detailed in The Terrible Old Man... Hope a few members have read this tale, which is in Miskatonic River Press *Dead But Dreaming 2*, edited by Kevin Ross, as was the random Kingsport story from earlier in the month, Michael Tices The Spell of the Eastern Sea. Scary Christmas, & Yog Bless Us, Every One! Image: The Terrible Old Man, by Pixx 73
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 05:42:17 +0000

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