Random Thoughts on Our Individual Connection to God. We - TopicsExpress


Random Thoughts on Our Individual Connection to God. We have recently seen videos of scientific information on what is really happening when we see, hear, taste and touch . Apparently everything we sense is actually an interpretation of vibrations in the back of our brain. We dont actually see, hear, feel or taste anything. I can accept that as the way things are. What about Spirit? How does that figure in. ? Before I could really wrap my mind around the whole Everything we think we are experiencing is only an illusion idea I had to reconcile that with the thought from Jesus know ye not that ye are the temples of the Living God. God is supposed to Indwell man. Where does God Dwell in us ? Also there is the whole thing I have repeated mnay times The Universal expresses itself as the Individual So where is the connection to Spirit? Where is our God presence if all we are is a series of interpreted Vibations? In one of those satori moments , an instant inspiration that just kind of clicked into place. Our connection to spirit is our real mind, not our brains. It is our ability to imagine, to daydream, to night dream, to fantasize, to pray, to meditate. Imagination really is as Einstein said Everything. That is why it is said that whatever the mind can conceive , and believe, it can achieve. When you allow your thoughts to enter into a space outside your daily vibrational interpretation, then you are communing with Spirit, you are spending time with your Source, God. When were little children that was very easy. Children spend a lot of time imagining, fantasizing and just enjoying life. In order for us to grow spiritually we must become as Little children again. The more time we spend living in our imaginations, the closer we are to God. The more time we spend avoiding, prayer, meditation, visualizing, fantasizing and imagining, the further away from our original states of being we move. If we really want to be spiritually strong we must use our Imaginations. In this way we can be fully functioning physical, mental , emotional and spiritual beings. So where does that leave us as far as or relationship with God is concerned? What is the nature of God anyway? And what if any control do we have over how the Universe unfolds? Most of us are familiar with the term God. Regardless of what religion you may have been taught all your life, God is usually considered the Supreme Being. All down through the ages mankind has been forming thoughts and images of what they considered at the time to be the Ideal qualities of a God. In most cases but not all this has been a male personality that possessed all the qualities that man possessed only on a larger scale. For example the Greeks considered the most powerful of their ideas of God as a forceful vindictive Father type figure by the name of Zeus. Zeus was surrounded by several lessor gods and goddesses who also had similar human shortcomings such as jealousy, kidnapping, rape and murder as a part of their makeup . In other societies including the ancient Israelites God was seen as cruel and powerful when man believed that these were desirable characteristics, needed particularly in his battle for physical survival. He projected these upon his idea of a God because he envied them and feared them. We have always cast our idea of God, therefore, in our own image. In the multidimensional reality in which we now know that we live these old concepts of God are relatively meaningless. What then is a better way of perceiving God.? God, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe but of an infinite variety of probable existences, far more vast than those aspects of the physical universe with which we have in the past understood and believed. In light of what we now know of the vastness of even just our known Universe these old concepts of a God made in our own image are no longer reasonable. You can turn that around and say we were made in Gods image but it still all works out the same. It gives God human characteristics. In a Multiverse of unending possibilities that is continually expanding in all directions , in all times, on all planes and in all dimensions this is just simply unreasonable. It makes much more sense to say that God is Principle rather than a form. God is pure Love, Unending joy, limitless peace,unbelievable beauty, all encompassing Wisdom and knowledge. God is Life. God is Mind. God is the Source of all that exists in every Time, on every Plane and in Every Dimension. God is The Source of all probability. As I have alluded to in past messages Quantum Physics has demonstrated in test after test that everything on its smallest basic level exists as multiple probabilities. A perfect example of this is Youngs Double Slit experiment. I will post a short video after this to give you a quick peek at just how this works. An interesting side to that particular experiment is the conclusive evidence that all matter is affected by thought. That is called the Observer effect. It doesnt really take a lot of brain power to deduce from these experiments that everything that exists is in effect a part of God. When you watch the experiment pay particular attention to the power an observer has on matter. This will give you a clue as to what is actually inside man. Man truly is a Co-Creator. That makes God much bigger than anything we have ever conceived in all past human history. God is more than the sum of all the probable systems of reality he has created, and yet what we call God is within each one of these, without exception. God is therefore within each man and woman. God is also within each spider, shadow, and frog, cat, dog, all animals in the animal kingdom, all birds in the bird kingdom, all fish in the fish kingdom, all plants in the plant world and every other thing that exists in all times, on all planes and in all dimensions of the limitless ever expanding multiverse. . So perhaps its time to quit trying to cast a God in our particular mold and open ourselves to the true limitless infinite Love that is God. If we all did that, war, hatred, jealously, killing and robbery would become mute issues. We could truly have peace on earth and goodwill toward all men and women.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 21:38:06 +0000

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