Random thoughts of me: it felt so good to sleep in this morning. - TopicsExpress


Random thoughts of me: it felt so good to sleep in this morning. Yesterdays activities were fun but tiring. Got up, brushed my teeth, took whatever cash Jesse had left in his wallet, told the dogs to be good while everyone else was still sleeping and started walking my journey to the Farmers market. As I pass my neighbors house, I think on how they had just lost their son to cancer a few days ago, I say a quiet prayer for them as they do their yard work.. I reach the farmers market, one of the stands - a modest card table with a few items was being managed by this old man who reminded me of my Grandpa Ware. I asked him where his tomatoes came from he said a few from the Amish and the rest are my masterpiece. The Amish tomatoes were so much bigger, but I couldnt resist buying his masterpiece. I told him thank you and that I brought my own recycled walmart sacks so he could keep his. He grabbed all three that I had and said oh thank you so much, Im running low on sacks! I gave him a big warm smile and bid him farewell. As I walk back home I think that I just paid $1 per tomato that most likely came from his local IGA, but because he put the work into displaying them carefully in his recycled cartons, I will subconsciously tell myself these are from his master garden and therefore will taste a hint of authenticity. The walk back was brief but refreshing. The breeze felt like a long loving hug from Jesus. I walk into my house to find Reagan making play dough cupcakes that her Grandma Ellene bought for them yesterday. As she prepares my cupcake I make coffee. Im thinking how my days were happier when Zac didnt have his own car and was not 18, I would get to see his precious face more often back then. Maybe hes lovingly conditioning me early for when he leaves for boot camp. While in that thought I hear Reagans sweet little song and Zoey, our pit, puking from drinking too much water. As I clean up the puke I tell myself how grateful I am for not buying the cheap paper towels this time. I pot myself some much needed coffee as a fly greets me on the counter, I get the fly smasher (thats what Reagan calls it), turn around to kill it and its gone, as if it knew my premeditated plan. Any way, long story short (too late), I made it to my patio with my coffee. Fresh food purchased, dogs watered, cupcake eaten (it was delicious) and fly now resting in peace. Its a beautiful day, this is my random thoughts... Signing off. 💚
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:38:26 +0000

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