Rant Time. Where you spend your time and money shows what your - TopicsExpress


Rant Time. Where you spend your time and money shows what your priorities are in life. There is always a common ground with it too. 1) Smokes, booze, partying, negative people, negative thinking, junk food, self-sabotage, and drama. VS. 2) Health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, positive people, positive thinking, growth, and success. Whether you want to deny it or not, chances are you fall in one of those 2 categories. Maybe youve been waiting for a sign to make some changes in your life...Well here it is. You are on a track that leads straight to the graveyard. Every freakin day that passes, you are either speeding it up or slowing it down based solely on your priorities and choices. If you want to live life to the fullest, then start making your health an absolute priority. No excuses. Seriously. Feel fatigued, exhausted, and in pain all the time? Thats from LACK of exercise. Get your butt up and move for 30 min each day. Stop being lazy. That crap you call food that you are so addicted to is actually called man-made chemical shit storm. Sure it tastes great temporarily...But heres the harsh truth, it WILL catch up with you. If you want the last 10-15 years of your life to be miserable and full of illness & disease, then keep it up. If you want to alter that path and live a life full of physical & mental joy/happiness, then knock it off. Starting now. You know what you need to change in your life. You know what habits are holding you back. Now is the time to change them. Now is the time to take control of your life so that you wont be living with regret later. Short term sacrifices for long term gains. This life in these physical bodies is truly a short one. You get one shot. One chance. No re-dos. No extra Ill start tomorrow. You want to get healthy and succeed? Then its time to get your butt up and make it happen. Rise & Grind! /rant
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:32:08 +0000

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