Rant time. So if you watch YouTube, and you happen to be a female - TopicsExpress


Rant time. So if you watch YouTube, and you happen to be a female who is of the age of like, 13 to 15, youve probably heard of a guy named Joey Graceffa. Allow me to explain why he is the very definition of Cancer. 1. He is completely self absorbed, like beyond self obsessed. His best friends are He, Himself, and Him. 2. He rants about possibly the most, the MOST, first worldly problems any human can possibly have. (I.e a sore buttocks because he goes to the gym five days a week. He made sure we all knew five days a week is how often he goes.) 3. He has the hairstylings of Edward Cullen from the Twilight series, except its like seven times as flamboyant.. Much like he is as a person. 4. Which leads me here, his flamboyant personality. Ive heard girls, GIRLS, teenage girls, sound more not into dudes and puppies as he does. Im not trying to be offensive, Im sure that was to someone, but come on.. Even gay people listen to Joey and say, Is he gay? I think hes gay. 5. He isnt even funny. He makes a living off of being an immature, humorless, vlogger. (I really want to end/continue that sentence in so many different ways, but I have to be family friendlyish.) I know tons of people do this, but not to the degree of Joey. Every joke he makes sounds like something an eleven or twelve year old would laugh at. And it makes me just want to scream in one of my five voices. I rant here because I dont have a twitter, and I dont know where else to express my distastes. Notably, I express my dislikes more than my likes, and there are reasons why. (I read a book that tells me so.) ANYWAY, yeah. Joey Graceffa. Trash. Id rather play Frogger in the real life with myself as the frog.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:04:28 +0000

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