Rarely do I post on hot topic issues, or post much of anything at - TopicsExpress


Rarely do I post on hot topic issues, or post much of anything at all, but if you are scrolling through your news feed PLEASE take a moment and read this post. I apologize in advance for its length. Nearly every morning when I wake my first thought is centered around me and myself. What do I have to do today? How can I get out of it? How much time can I steal vegging out on the couch? Some days I wish to make it through with little to no consideration of the world and its inhabitants. I am being totally honest. It is so easy to get caught up in this way of thinking. Selfish & Self-Centered. Reflecting on this now I realize that this habit of living day to day with no real thought of others around me is completely contradictory to Gods Plan for us and the Universe. Nearly two years ago I tried to kill myself. By divine intervention I am still on this Earth. Very few are that lucky, in fact, loved ones who have taken their life seem to be piling up around me. If it were not for the outpouring of love and support I received from those placed in my life at that time I probably would have tried again and who knows, I probably would not be typing this right now. I only bring this up because today this Earth lost a beautiful soul. A strong and happy Father. Someone who has been an example to me since I was little. He came into my restaurant daily and never once did I suspect him to be fighting an inner battle that would eventually over power him. I took his presence for granted and now that he is no longer here I see the error of my ways. I plead with anyone who has chosen to read this. Please, just for a brief moment in your busy day, uplift a fellow brother or sister whom crosses your path. A smile. A hug. An ear to listen. You never know what that person is going through. It may seem trivial, but that gesture of compassion could be that individuals saving grace. As for me, I want to be that support. I want to be that change in someones life. That, I feel, is what living is truly about. Helping others through the darkness that surround us and together moving forward towards the light. If you personally are struggling with thoughts of suicide or harming yourself or others reach out. There is help. There is a solution. No matter how much the moment hurts, there is an eternity of happiness that awaits you. This I promise. Rest In Paradise Joey Rydjeski
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:30:29 +0000

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