Rationalizing Failure Only Compounds That Failure When we make - TopicsExpress


Rationalizing Failure Only Compounds That Failure When we make mistakes, when we fail, we have the opportunity to learn the truth, but if you cant accept your failures as failures, you will just lie to yourself and not learn anything, which sets you up to fail again in the same manner. Thats what rationalization gets you, failure compounding failure, it is literally the cultivation of failure. A warrior is certainly somebody who doesnt do this, and why such a person just learns faster than others, not because they are smarter but simply because they arent wasting their time with an internal dialog of rationalization. If you havent gotten a grip on this element of the tonal first, that is, try to skip becoming a warrior, you have next to no chance at succeeding as a sorcerer. Waking up from inorganic lucid dreams with more questions than answers is a sign that you are failing, but if you ignore that failure and resort to trying to interpret those dreams, instead of making the effort to get your answers while in the next sorceric dream, then you could go on for decades with no progress. The answer is simple, quit trying to make yourself feel better about being lazy and self-indulgent, accept your failure as just that, then resolve to do something about it. The approach I am talking about is sober discipline, it is not a leisure activity, and agreeing with it is meaningless until you engage with it, sort of like agreeing you need to be on a diet but not actually doing it, even though nothing is stopping you. Rationalization not only prevents anxiety, it may also protect self-esteem and self-concept. When confronted by success or failure, people tend to attribute achievement to their own qualities and skills while failures are blamed on other people or outside forces. psychology.about/od/theoriesofpersonality/ss/defensemech_9.htm
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:27:32 +0000

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