Ray Dickinson wrote: Dear friends, For more than - TopicsExpress


Ray Dickinson wrote: Dear friends, For more than two-and-a-half years, we have been actively warning about the judgments that are soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise. Yet because we did not have perfect understanding from the beginning, many of you dismissed our warnings as unfounded and have continued to live as though saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” (2 Peter 3:4) Yet, even if you didnt see with us by faith, the movements of the Father in 2012, visible events began happening on the dates our studies predicted were significant in 2013. Still, few saw this as reason to study deeper, but could only see our errors, which we have never made an effort to hide. Once again, we expected the wrong events, and most would rather live as though heaven and the closing events on earth were a distant dream than accept any change to our present ways of planning and living, and so it was strangely easy to dismiss our warnings, despite the accuracy of the predicted dates. But even if you ignored our warnings in 2012 and 2013, have you been catching the steady stream of events during this period that clearly point to the culminating trouble just ahead of us? Have you prepared your heart, which was always the purpose of our message? Have you looked beyond temporal conveniences and heeded the wisdom of Scripture: “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself”? Have you sought to work with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to mold your life and character, so that He may use you fully in the difficult time ahead to reach a confused and dying world before it is too late? (Proverbs 22:3) If you failed to heed the warnings; if you failed to work with the Spirit, there is still grace for all this while you live. Take heed then, and with the grace given, repent and seek Gods guidance to reform your life in the short time that remains. Though grace remains, there are consequences for delay such that soon, there may be no other option but to give our testimony in blood. But do not think that those who act early do so to preserve their lives, for they are sealed by the Holy Spirit, and keep the commandment of Christ “That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” And what is the ultimate expression of that love? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” This isnt about us. There are more important things even than our eternal life itself. (John 15:12-13) Many have denied the validity of our message on account of the time element, and have lumped us with those false teachers who, when their predictions fail time and time again, persist in their error until they set a date so far in the future as to provide a false sense of security. But the message we have given has no such wiggle room. We cannot change the high Sabbaths, nor can we adjust the clock. The clock has long pointed to this festal season, and the High Sabbath List highlights three high Sabbaths during the coming autumn feasts (not according to the wrong calendar of Jewish tradition in general use, but according to Gods calendar, which is based on a harmonious understanding of the date of the crucifixion of Christ). Furthermore, within this same period is a key transition relating to the men in Ezekiel 9 whom God sends to purge His people (See the article “The Mystery of Ezekiel.”). Based on this, we expect that the slaughter as described in Ezekiel 9 (the final cleansing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) will most probably begin during this period. The true midnight cry has sounded: Jesus is coming! Do the things of earth not grow strangely dim with this awareness? Are careers, diplomas, or bucket lists important in the light of His glory and grace? Are we not in love enough to desire Him above all this? The purpose for a time message is to signal when we may rightly and safely transition from “plan for a hundred years” to “wrap things up now.” It is no longer time to plan for years of life as usual. Its time to cease our rounds of endless labor and enter the Sabbath rest. Will you heed the warnings now in these last weeks of relative peace, and promptly yield the hard spots in your character to be softened by the Holy Spirit? Remember whom we are waiting for—it is Jesus, our precious Friend, to whom we are betrothed! He desires His bride to be dressed in white, without spot or wrinkle. He has provided the cleansing blood, but we must cooperate with Him and allow it to touch us (where it hurts). We must yield to Him. If you have not made it the focal point of your life to address the spots in your character, will you consider the urgency of this last warning? Will you recognize that the announcement of His coming has gone forth, and make the final preparations according to what pleases Him? Will you acknowledge that this message bears the special marks of Gods hand, and humbly study it deeper while time remains, or will you continue to resist the Spirit, and deny it as coincidence, blindly following along without the knowledge that the Father seeks to impart to you? The Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the world, not by His choice, but because He is consistently (and dangerously) resisted. Do not be among that class. Rather, welcome His light, and may He guide you as you study.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:52:02 +0000

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