Re-define your life’s worth Posted on January 17, 2013 by admin - TopicsExpress


Re-define your life’s worth Posted on January 17, 2013 by admin I was walking the other day and thinking on how many different ways one can break down and define one’s own life in type of worth. Some people hate their own life and some people would dream of having their life. Where is it that we fail to recognize the beauty of life if not within ourselves? I believe that it is because we shut off switches to the doors that enable us to extend the generous definition of ourselves. We generalize ourselves in the vastness of this life-creating planet and can end up defining our own worth to the institutionalized labels of society; lawyer, fireman, clerk, ugly, poor, rich, etc. These are all means of definition of a system that fails to recognize the living and divine essence in each and one of us. It is a sort of machine like behavior that arises from distorted values. When we were born into this world as children, we had a very playful and joyful way of looking at things. We could chase after butterflies for an eternity. We could observe and become totally engulfed by the flow of events around us. We appreciated every ice cream as if it was our first and last one we’d ever had. We were curious. Our minds were not shaped to slavery. We were self-reflecting life observing life itself at every moment of our own being. After a certain age, the society and people within society slowly but progressively lowered a curtain before our eyes and shutting off the link to our hearts. We were slowly being fabricated and instructed what to do instead of simply being. The child within each and one of us still roams and occasionally takes a peek. That’s when we become ecstatic about the little things. So, what to do? My personal tip is to take a step back from viewing the world as we have been taught to think it is and instead, like the child within ourselves, view the world as it IS. Eternal. Flowing. Everlasting. If you define yourself and the life you live each day as nothing else but a product, then ask yourself this: what is the fate of a product? The answer is: to be used. If you, like I prefer to do it, define your life as a gift, then ask yourself this: what is the fate and use of a gift? The answer is: to be played and toyed with, to appreciate, to love. Step out of the fabricated illusionary world of lies that have been nurturing the on-going death of the child you once were. Live life fully. Look around you more often. What is happening around you? Let go of all the labeling, rationalizing, dividing, distorted type of awareness that has been occupying your mind, it is not you. Be free. Let your thoughts be the masterpiece of an artwork that we were all given: Life. - See more at:
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 00:54:05 +0000

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