Re-realization and transformation for the new year- when I quote - TopicsExpress


Re-realization and transformation for the new year- when I quote unquote woke up, back in 2008 my glimpse into the higher realms of myself opened up and I realized that everything is love. after many experiences in dealing with energy and astral travel excetra excetra, I saw that everything does not feel like love. I actually became angry with my higher self because how could everything be love when the ugliness, pain, suffering, injustice, genocide, killing, downright evilness in this world is showing itself rampant? well recently I have been diving into the deepest darkest areas and crevices of myself. this stuff is not pretty not pretty at all. yet in this journey I realized what everything is love really means. I saw the nasty I saw all the f***** up s*** in this world. I have felt the anger, the guilt, the self hate so believe that I began to deteriorate myself and those around me you love me. it has been an important part of my journey to love. in the absolute is everything love? yes. but in the relative human experience everything is not love. SO I am at a juncture in my personal walk. I realize that relatively speaking everything is not love but in the higher aspects of myself everything is love. the question Ive asked myself for this new year this new beginning is how do I bring love to everything that I do, see and experience. I ask myself how do I bring love to every situation, every insecurity, every doubt, every fear, that I experience within myself? the answer that was shown to me is conscious awareness of self.Ive gotten to the point where Im sick and tired of being in fear and lies and pain and suffering. I say no more! Im a soldier of love!!!! I dont fight with fists and swords. I fight with the courage and bravery that is within my heart. I oppose falseness of fear with the truth of light and the truth of love. when I say love and light it is not a Hokie spiritual fluffy way to say things. it is my way, my truth. it has full embodied meaning because Ive been through the gauntlet and I have walk through the valley of the shadow of death. now I can walk sholder by sholder with my brothers and sisters warriors in the truth of light and an open heart of love. this is who I am and this is the beginning of this year. I wish you, my brothers and sisters the highest truth and the highest love that you can experience as you walk each step in your journey of this 2015. this year for me represents the embodiment of the REAL who you are. I love you all!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:01:40 +0000

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