Re-rediscovering Yazidis! It seems that the media by some - TopicsExpress


Re-rediscovering Yazidis! It seems that the media by some mysterious common accord decided to eliminate all reference o devil worship concerning by the Yazidis! Obviously, the order came from some higher command that orchestrates international news! Every TV channel participated in talk shows about their persecution, their discrimination and their age’s-long plight!! Channels from the CNN, to French TV 5, to Rai and Spanish TV and DW… all the way down to Al-Arabia… every one of those channels boarded all sorts of topics with their leaders except ONE… the foremost important mystery about the Yazidis…namely: Their devil worship!! Or… at least, their relationship with the Devil! Why does the West want a cover-up about such an intriguing scandalous topic… when its media exposes and discredits every minor discrepancy about Islamic Shari’a… and the Muslim Veil! The fact that Christian Catechism has a permanent safe conduct on Western TV is quite understandable; after all no one sees the camel in one’s eyes… but to hush up a non Christian community’s practices of devil worship… while attacking Hard Rock music and its groups for promoting the devil is quite odd…to say the least!! Yazidis have been branded “devil worshippers” by Muslims for centuries because of a similarity in the name of a spirit they worship, and the Arabic word for “devil”!! Would Europe or the US have accepted in their midst if they knew the nature of their beliefs!? The US has difficulty accepting Christian Mormons, would they have sanctified what is said about Yazidi Devil worship?! In truth, the ancient Yazidi religion has elements of both Christianity and Islam at its roots, while it is also linked to one of the world’s oldest monotheistic …the belief in one god …religions, called Zoroastrianism. The Yazidis believe in one God, though they worship seven other “angels” or “spirits”, the most important of which is Malak Taus, or “Tausi Melek”, whom Yazidis worship five times a day! What commentators fail to illicit is the fact that Yazidis do not pray to God…the good God…since being “good” God does not need adoration or flattery! They pray and flatter the Devil …alias “Tausi Melek” …out of fear and respect of his powers! They fear the Devil so much, they dread pronouncing his name!! Hence, they call him “Tausi Melek” … and represent him in the shape of a beautiful peacock! He is the Yazidi god’s favourite, and is supposed to act as a mediator between god and man. The figure’s name in Arabic is “Shaitan,” meaning devil! Yazidis believe they were created separate and distinct from the rest of humankind, holding that they came solely from Adam, while everyone else came from Adam and Eve!! Thus, many choose to live together in tight-knit communities. As a result, one cannot convert to the faith; he or she can only be born into it! Yazidis revere dark blue as extremely holy and, thus, do not wear the color… They also reportedly disallow marriage in April, brides wear red … and many members will not eat pumpkins or lettuce! It is unclear why there is a cultural taboo about eating these plants, though many faith leaders and members apparently still follow the tradition despite there not being much information about its origins! Yazidis believe that a god …known as Yasdan …created the world and entrusted it to seven angels… They worship a divine figure known as Melek Taus, or the “Peacock Angel,” who is among the angelic seven who collectively rule and oversee the planet. These angels can occasionally be reincarnated into human form! Case-in-point: Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir, a preacher who died in 1162… and is widely considered the founder of the Yazidi faith, though its traditions date back to pre-Islamic cultures. He is believed to have been Melek Taus in human form… and his tomb is the faith’s most important pilgrimage location… This confusion comes from religious tradition that claims Malek Taus fell from grace, but that he eventually regained good standing with Yasdan. There is also the fact that Malek Taus’ other name … Shaitan …means “devil” in Arabic, leading to additional assumptions that Yazidis worship Satan! Their Emir once said, That is Melek Taus, the peacock angel. We worship him. and added: Ours is the oldest religion in the world…Older than Islam; older than Christianity.” The Yezidi honor sacred trees… Women must not cut their hair… Marriage is forbidden in April. They refuse to eat lettuce, pumpkins, and gazelles. They avoid wearing dark blue because it is too holy! Yezidism is syncretistic: it combines elements of many faiths. Like Hindus, they believe in reincarnation. Like ancient Mithraists, they sacrifice bulls. They practice baptism, like Christians. When they pray they face the sun, like Zoroastrians. They profess to revile Islam, but there are strong links with Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam. Moreover, who is Melek Taus?! We believe he is a proud angel, who rebelled and was thrown into Hell by God. He stayed there 40,000 years, until his tears quenched the fires of the underworld. Now he is reconciled to God. But is he good or evil?”…”He is both… Like fire” … “Flames can cook, but they can also burn! The world is good and bad. For a Yezidi to say they worship the Devil is understandably difficult!! It is their reputation as infidels …as genuine devil worshippers… that has led to their fierce persecution over time, But some Yezidi do claim that Tausi Melek is the only divinity worth adoration!! One hereditary leader of the Yezidi, in 2005 Mir Hazem, said, Taus is the Devil. I cannot say this word [Devil] out loud… because it is sacred!! It is the chief of angels. We believe in the chief of angels.!! There are further indications that Melek Taus is the Devil. The parallels between the story of the peacock angels rebellion, and the story of Lucifer, cast into Hell by the Christian God, are surely too close to being coincidence. The very word Melek is cognate with Moloch, the name of a Biblical demon… who demanded human sacrifice! The avian imagery of Melek Taus also indicates a demonic aspect! The Yezidi come from Kurdistan, the ancient lands of Sumeria and Assyria. Sumerian gods were Birdlike… often cruel, and equipped with beaks and wings! Three thousand years ago, the Assyrians worshipped flying demons, spirits of the desert wind. One was the scaly-winged demon featured in The Exorcist: Pazuzu. The Yezidi reverence for birds… and snakes… might also be extremely old. Excavations at ancient Catalhoyuk, in Turkey, show that the people there revered bird-gods as long ago as 7000BC! Taking all this evidence into account, a fair guess is that Yezidism is a form of bird-worship, which could date back 6,000 years or more! Is all this to be cajoled and overlooked…While wearing a veil should be considered the scandal of the age…and European Muslims, deprived of their birth rights of citizenship and freedom?!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:27:47 +0000

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