Reactions to the bullet points in this article and 1 added fact - TopicsExpress


Reactions to the bullet points in this article and 1 added fact that I think is important to include... AKA read the article first and this post will make sense... Maybe. :) 1. This is an extraordinary example of what separates him from any other comedic talent. His ability to perform and give such great energy and brilliance within each role. He was gifted with a wide range of tools to use and when he used all of them at once, it brought Genie such life that you cant even picture in your head right now being still. He is fully animated. Can you?? TOLD YOU. 2. He gave back to those who took care of him. Those things are never, ever forgotten and sometimes they end up putting in 1,000% more... Support, loyalty, and joy are the gifts that keep giving between friends. 3. He put the time and effort for those important to him to know how special they were through the toughest of times (and working on a project like that, I mean, come on... Cant be easy.). He was a real Patch Adams. 4. Back in senior year of high school, we had to do an American Dream themed project after reading The Great Gatsby. I remember feeling really embarrassed about how honest, deep down, and far-fetched mine was... I discovered yesterday how many individuals were 1 degree of separation I was with this freaking man. I would not have believed you. 5. That was one of my favorite books. Everyone needs their own Narnia. Be vulnerable. Be innocent. Be fresh. Be real. Be alive. Be love. Be you. 6. March 14th, 1982, he was the second to last person to see John Belushi before he overdosed from a four day cocaine binge and spending the night high on heroin. As told by the girl who had been shooting up John all night said, Robins last words to his friend were , If you make it, call.. The scene was so horrific that Robin Williams would spend the next 20+ years in sobriety making the movies we loved to watch because they brought the families and the friends together to laugh and feel good... Youre only given a little spark of madness. You mustt lost it. Now playing: The Beatles - Ob-la-di Ob-la-Do https://youtube/watch?v=gRtAO-nffz0
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:55:52 +0000

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