Read this before watching, please. I hesitate a bit to post - TopicsExpress


Read this before watching, please. I hesitate a bit to post this... I havent said anything in regard to race on Facebook, for many reasons, the biggest of which is that I have friends who have a wide variety of opinions on this subject, and I love all of my friends, and dont want to anger a single one of them. But this... This needs to be said. This anger has gone on too long. Ill just be honest here, guys, and if someone has an issue with anything I say, please, lets talk. Im white. I didnt have a particularly difficult childhood, especially not by the standards some of my friends have had. I consider myself a country boy, raised to fear God, respect women, and treat others how I want to be treated. Pretty much what most folks would consider a typical white guy, I think. I love all people. Im not kidding. Every race of people Ive met have aspects of their lives that I absolutely love, and have tried to incorporate into my own life. Again, just being honest here. One of the reasons I love Hispanic/Latino people is because of their work ethic. I live in a predominately Hispanic/Latino neighborhood, and I actually enjoy that. I know the folks around me probably work really hard and enjoy the heck out of their families. I love that. One reason I love Asians is because of their absolute respect. They attempt to honor you as an individual regardless of how much or how little you deserve it. As Ive known friends who are Asians, Ive grown to respect that a lot, and its a big aspect of how I try to treat people now. Ive met American Indians who I love... Theyre so honest and genuine. Arabs are so passionate about life. Everything they do, they make the most of it. The few Arabs Ive had the pleasure to know have helped to shape my understanding of how to approach life... How to live it well, despite your circumstances. And then, of course, we have African-Americans, or black people of other descent. With African-Americans, I have to say... Ive learned a lot, and absolutely love every one of them Ive grown close to. So many awesome people at work, including my best buddy at work are African-American. One of the biggest things I love about that culture is the love they all have for each other. They deeply understand the common challenges they face, and even when they dont understand, theyll still support each other and be willing to lend a hand to support their brothers and sisters. I wish every white person would take a lesson from that. I wish white people were a little more like Hispanics/Latinos, a little more like Asians, a little more like American Indians, a little more like Arabs, and a little more like African-Americans. I know white people have a lot to learn from every other race... And folks, every other race has something to learn from the other races. Im tired of racism, whether real or imagined... And by racism, Im not talking about white people hating black people. That definition is outdated and insulting to both African-Americans and white people alike. Racism occurs when any one person decides they do not like a person based solely on the way they look. That, in its definition, is racism. And that, my friends, is absolutely moronic. To decide you dont like someone, or worse, hate them, based on the way they look is wrong... Evil. Im tired of the anger. Im tired of the anger directed at me because Im white, and 150 years ago white people did stupid things to black people. I had nothing to do with that, and friends, I plead with you all... Let it go. Anger leads to mental and emotional bondage. Move past it all. Be better than to claim victim status based on terrible things from over a century ago. Back in the 1400s/1500s, Protestant Christians were brutally tortured and murdered at the hands of facets of the Catholic Church... Yet, we forgave those who wronged us, and moved on. Today, we live in harmony with our catholic neighbors, as if nothing ever happened. Thats what I so desperately want to see happen in America today. I want each of us to look at each other and be beautifully different, yet completely accepted by one another. This relatively short video is important. It has a little strong language, but you can tell this man is passionate about what he is saying, and my goodness, hes so incredibly right. If you want things to change, then by golly, change yourself first. The same holds true for every one of us. We live in a world that tries to tell us that we are so different from each other that we will always struggle to get along. I call bull. I love all of you. It makes no difference to me what color your skin is... I will judge you solely by the content of your character. Lets move past all of this, together. Lets love one another and be there for each other, no matter what. I hope you all know I would defend each of your rights as an individual to the death. I honestly do love all of you. If Ive offended anyone, please do not hesitate to message me, as that was not my intention. Ive said what I believe in my head to be right. Sorry for the incredibly long post, yall, but I wanted to get this off my chest. Watch the video, and really listen to it.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 20:58:32 +0000

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