Real Scandals and the Phony President. - TopicsExpress


Real Scandals and the Phony President. By: Julia Sieben of Lady Patriots In response to his plummeting approval ratings, Obama has once again gone on the campaign trail. His speeches are reminiscent of campaign 2012, with dirty politics, lies and denials of his failed record. The worn out 2008 & 2012 rhetoric of blame it on Bush, blame it on the GOP, and blame it on the one percent, is only countered by his, “I saved GM” statement (I notice he left out the Detroit line this time). Only one great difference, this time he has bit off more than he can chew when he repeated a statement that the weasel Jay Carney stated earlier in the week. That the current scandals of his administration, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA, DOJ illegal search warrants, were fabricated and PHONY. Most hour plus drawn out speech reminded me of a song and dance routine of a cheap, oily, slick-backed, used car salesman, smiling while he slipped sawdust into the transmission. The bobble head audience responded well on cue, heads gyrating up and down as though they were being driven down a rocky country road. While I was fighting stupor back from the repetition of his false and broken promises, I noticed the all-white middle aged persons standing behind him. He was at his old stomping grounds, Illinois, the exact place where he campaigned for Senator, Knox College. Where were his young college students, his normal back drop? Desperation is definitely setting in for our illustrious leader, depending on the polling entity approval ratings range from a low at 41% to 47% by the most liberal pollsters. Obama’s approval ratings have been dramatically plunging nationwide, with an overall average of all agencies of 10 percentage points. The group that tested the largest drop, 15 percent was among women. Obama’s job approval ratings among registered Democrats, under-40 voters, and college graduates have declined 14 points, white non-Hispanics are down 13 points, nonpartisan voters declined 12 points, and Latinos are seven points lower in their support, the poll shows. Times are desperate for the great campaigner, he has much on the line, with the under-financed ObamaCare, the unpopular Immigration Reform Bill pending, failed campaign in Afghanistan, and pending acts of war in Syria, just to mention a few. This campaign is again nothing but a diversion on the very matters he attacked in the in the speeches themselves, the focus on the corruption of his administration and the illegal practices they have invoked. Jay Carney had stated earlier in the week, that the acts under on-going investigation by special committees were fabricated phony scandals. It is obvious now, that these words of Carney’s were only passed along sentiments of the POTUS himself as he uttered almost per verbatim the same ideology. This administration, along with activist friends, and the liberal media have tried to distract and divide Americans with race baiting on the Zimmerman case for nearly a year. The true crimes not scandals are, but not limited to: strong 1) The illegal gun trafficking that cost the life of Agent Bryan Terry, 2) The cover-up of the illegal gun trading with al Qaeda in Libya, 3) The State Department ignoring the requests of the consul in Benghazi for protection and the stand down orders that cost the life of Ambassador Stevens, Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Seal Tyrone Woods, and Seal Glen Doherty, 4) The illegal mass confiscation of phone records of over 100 writers of the API, 5) The illegal search and collection of phone records of James Rosin and his family, 6) The illegal targeting of the IRS of special interest groups; namely the Tea Party, Patriots, 9-12 Project, and Christian Groups, 7) The massive corruption in spending in most every agency within the government, and 8) The exposed NSA over reach of gathering and collection of information from all American Citizens, from phones, internet, videos, finances, and purchases. The only thing Phony is this presidency. In his speech he bragged: “Together, we saved the auto industry, took on a broken health-care system and invested in new American technologies to reverse our addiction to foreign oil and double wind and solar power.” The Truth on the Bailout of GM: The government allocated $474.8 billion to the TARP program to bail out banks, insurers, auto companies and others during the financial crisis. Taxpayers are still owed $57.6 billion, the report stated. Of that, the Treasury Department has written off losses of $29.6 billion, leaving a balance of $28.6 billion outstanding. GM – Americans left with debt while bailout develops new jobs, just not in the United States. Outstanding losses on GM taxpayers are still $18.1 billion in the hole on the $49.5 billion bailout. Yet, General Motors Co. plans to add four new plants in the next three years in China to bring its production capacity to 5 million vehicles a year, according to the head of GM China. Bob Socia, head of GM China, said on Saturday that the company and its joint venture partners will invest $11 billion in China by 2016, but did not break out the cost of the new plants. The new plants will boost GM’s manufacturing capacity by 30 percent and create 6,000 jobs, the company said. Read more: autonews/article/20130420/GLOBAL03/130429994#ixzz2a8nyAoW4 General Motors Co. said Wednesday that it is investing $691 million in Mexico, in part to build a new eight-speed transmission in a new plant at its Silao complex. GM’s Silao complex includes assembly, stamping, engine and transmission plants and employs about 5,800 people. Among its products are GM’s new 2014 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickup trucks. The San Luis operation includes an assembly plant and transmission factory and employs more than 2,300 workers, while Toluca builds engines and does aluminum and iron foundry work. That complex employs about 1,285 workers. From The Detroit News: detroitnews/article/20130626/AUTO0103/306260107#ixzz2a8pKIg3a General Motors’ European subsidiary Opel has announced that it will invest 60 million Euros ($77.4 million USD) in its Szentgotthárd engine plant in Hungary to boost production. Roughly 100 new workers will join the existing 900 to accommodate the production boost. Read more: gmauthority/blog/2013/07/gm-opel-to-invest-60-million-euros-in-szentgotthard-engine-plant-in-hungary/#ixzz2a8pyk9kT The Truth on the Cost of Health Care Insurance: According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, health care premiums for the average family cost $15,745 in 2012 -– an increase of $1,975 from the $13,770 they cost in 2010, the year President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. Employees pick up some, but not all, of that cost. See more at: cnsnews/news/article/family-premiums-1975-obamacare-passed-obama-touts-100-rebates#sthash.gSuqOZTm.dpuf Healthy consumers could see insurance rates double or even triple when they look for individual coverage under the federal health law later this year, while the premiums paid by sicker people are set to become more affordable. online.wsj/article/SB10001424127887324251504578577760224985382.html?mod=trending_now_3 The Truth on Oil and Renewable Energies In October of 2012, President Obama claimed, “The most important thing we can do is to make sure we control our own energy. So here’s what I’ve done since I’ve been president. We have increased oil production to the highest levels in 16 years,” President Obama said. Natural gas production is the highest it’s been in decades. We have seen increases in coal production and coal employment. But what I’ve also said is we can’t just produce traditional source of energy. But that was on the campaign trail of 2012, when the facts come rolling in and new Executive Orders and regulations unfold, a different story is told. When the president says he opened up millions of acres for drilling exploration in the United States, thank Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. According to the Bureau of Land Management, the current administration has actually decreased approval of drilling permits by 36 percent. Under Bill Clinton’s administration drilling permits increased by 58 percent, and 116 percent under President George W. Bush. Read more: washingtontimes/blog/watercooler/2012/oct/16/picket-flashback-oil-drilling-permits-down-36-perc/#ixzz2a8uCVzZc Now that the voting polls have closed, Obama has recently waged a war on the Coal industry and Coal energy as well. President Barack Obama declared a war-on-carbon rhetoric, threatening to shut down through EPA regulations any new, planned or existing coal fueled power plants in the United States, but what is off most Americans’ radar: U.S. coal exports. Obama is not serious about doing something about global warming; it is about controlling the burning of coal in the U.S., while encouraging the export of coal the rest of the world to be burned. This is not about a clean environment; it is about stifling the industry and destroying the economy, while helping his Chinese and Indian benefactors. Obama’s administration has conducted a silent push to expanding coal mining operations on Federal Lands in the Powder River Basin of Montana and Wyoming, and to build three ports in Oregon and Washington to ship the fuel to Asia. Many of the federal land leases for mining out of the Federal lands are not American Based companies, but instead are based out of foreign locations. In June Obama unveiled a pledge to reign in the global-warming emissions of U.S. coal-fired power plants despite expert’s predictions that tightening controls will end up closing more plants and further troubling the U.S. coal industry, which experienced significant declines during Obama’s first term. However, U.S. coal exports during that same time more than doubled, according to a June report from the Department of Energy. The Truth on Renewables – Solar and Wind During his speech President Obama announced his intentions to ramp up renewable energy: “So the plan I’m announcing today will help us double again our energy from wind and sun.” Impressive until you realize that power from wind and solar only produced less than 4 percent of our energy sources at a great expense. Currently, the U.S. derives 9 percent of its energy from renewable sources, after petroleum (36 percent), natural gas (25 percent) and coal (20 percent), and before nuclear power (8 percent). You only have to mention the word Solyndra for most who are halfway aware of the billions this administration has foolishly poured down failed companies, all in the name of cronyism. Without much fanfare, the Department of Energy (DOE) recently updated the list of loan guarantee projects on its website. Unlike in 2008, when Barack Obama pledged to create 5 million jobs over 10 years by directing taxpayer funds toward renewable energy projects, there were no press conferences or stump speeches. But the data are nonetheless revealing: for the over $26 billion committed since 2009, DOE Section 1703 and 1705 loan guarantees have created only 2,298 permanent jobs – that’s $11.45 million per job. As his speech rambled on in his self-glorification, he blamed Congress for failing to act on student loans. He failed to mention that the House did pass a bill to hold down the interest rates, but it was the Senate who failed to act allowing the rates to double. All in all his speech blended the incessant how “great thou art” praise to himself, while blaming every failure on the economy on the House not allowing him to spend more money all in the name of the greater good, and spreading the wealth. One would have thought that Obama phones would soon be showering down on the lowly loyal subjects as he lifted his chin high. But what has set off a great War Cry from devote Americans, Conservatives and Patriots against this atrocity of a dictator, was his flagrant disregard of human life, the lives of our heroes, those who died at Benghazi at his and Hilary’s hands, by calling their deaths a Phony Scandal. The only thing PHONY, is this excuse of a President.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 12:45:04 +0000

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