Really jumping of the bandwagon on the penultimate day. But I - TopicsExpress


Really jumping of the bandwagon on the penultimate day. But I thought I would throw my two cents in and try to convince any undecided folks. I, for many months was in the Yes camp. I believed in a fairer, wealthier, socialist Scotland, where a government we elected, cared for issues that affected us, where an end of Tory rule, foods banks and inequality was a reality. However I have recently changed my view and voted No. Not for a love of the Union, Better Together, Westminster, the Tories or any other party. I, like so many others north and south of the border, am utterly disenchanted by the current system of pandering, interchangeable politicians so far from reality, void of any integrity, I have nothing but resent and contempt for them. But the referendum is a shiny lure in a dark time. All fiscal and monetary decisions will be made in London, All rates of Interest and Mortgages will set in London, we will be far from Independent. By taking 50± non-Tory politicians out, we are giving the Tories a huge lead, although this may not be decisive in General Elections, we have a strong voice present. If it was not for Scottish MP’s votes, we would, right now be engaged with the war in Syria, adding to the mess of the Middle East. If another Tory Government were ever in power in rUK (more likely), they would continue their Thatcherite dream of low taxation, low regulation and low public spending. Little would it matter how left wing our elected party was, how much they cared for the NHS, tuition fees, pensions and the poor, They would have to follow suit, cut taxation and cut spending in order to keep our economy alive and attractive to business, thus the same social problems North and South would not be solved. The Socialist Scotland that would convince me to vote Yes cannot exist with a Tory rUK. Nations come and go with time. But Class knows no borders. Throughout all of history, regardless of culture, class has been the dividing force in society; it will continue to be so after a Yes vote. Socialism is the answer, Independence is not. Solidarity and unity among the people is what we need to solve our problems. My views are better summed up by the divisive George Galloway, Consider that he has no affiliation with either side, as no gain from a Yes or a No, Resents Tories, Is a proud Scot and is committed to reason, logic and the working class, not the lies and deceit that the ‘Better Together’ and ‘Yes Scotland’ campaigns have spread. Please watch the video(s), consider what really divides us, and of course, vote No. https://youtube/watch?v=xDxzk4ZcByw https://youtube/watch?v=uOPK27nHdoU
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:24:15 +0000

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