Rebuke with Love. - Let us be silent about things which are a - TopicsExpress


Rebuke with Love. - Let us be silent about things which are a discredit to Christian character. Keep an ill report secret. But do not be like the young lady who called in a dozen friends to help her keep a secret, and yet, strange to say, it got out. Remember, you may yourself deserve rebuke one of these days; and as you would like this to be done gently and privately, so keep your remarks upon others within the happy circle of tender love. To rebuke in gentle love is difficult, but we must aim at it till we grow proficient. Golden snuffers, remember; only golden snuffers. Put away those old, rusty things — those unkind, sarcastic remarks. They will do more harm than good, and they are not fit things to be handled by servants of the Lord Jesus. — SPURGEON.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:13:36 +0000

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