Recap of Last Nights Episode of The Tempest...... Lazaro goes - TopicsExpress


Recap of Last Nights Episode of The Tempest...... Lazaro goes over there to see her again.Candy lets him in to see Jazmin. Again Lazaro asks for forgiveness & again she rejects him.This time however Lazaro kisses Jazmin & she gives in but she ends up resisting.She kicks him out.Father Tomas & Fulgencio intervene & attempt to convince Jazmin to forgive Lazaro.They have no luck.Fulgencio hopes Jazmin never finds out he was behind it.Father Tomas tells Jazmin howChrist forgave those who crucified him.Lazaro chews out Rosario for being selfish.Rosario insults Fulgencio.Rosario is left worried about losing Lazaro.Fulgencio wants Hernan to enlist the help of the men in the organization so they can help with his campaign to be president.Hernan will do this.But if Fulgencio fails them then he knows what his fate will be.Fulgencio assures him he wont fail them.Hes no traitor like Hernan was to Ernesto.Magdalena returns home only to be psychoanalyzed by the therapist.Magdalena tells Abril about her confusion she doesnt know if Mercedes loves her or not.Abril tells her this means Magdalena is not clear on what she feels.There is inside of Magdalena a fight of feelings that wont let Magdalena value her mother like she should.Magdalena admits that on the one hand she hates Mercedes for having denied her what she gave Marina and on the other hand she loves her because she is her mother.Magdalena felt bad at seeing Mercedes suffer.Magdalena doesnt know what to do.She thinks it is best Valentin is keeping his distance.Theyll talk about Valentin later.Abril tells Magdalena she has to forgive her mother so shell stop tormenting herself because deep down inside Magdalena feels guilty for not forgiving her mother.Abril knows it will be a hard step for Magdalena to take but it will be the first of many steps Magdalena will take to find peace in her soul.Marina cries over the breakup Rebeca comforts her.Hernan thinks back to his conversation with Fulgencio where Fulgencio accused him of having betrayed Ernesto.He still thinks Fulgencio is behind all that has happened.Guerrero tells Robles about The Hernan Interrogation.Guerrero tells Robles how the whole thing made Hernan nervous.Robles like this.Those nerves will make Hernan make a mistake & when it happens theyll capture the bastard.Hernan continues to think Fulgencio is behind Macarios death & that it was he who made the strange call.Ursula tells Fulgencio she spent the day with Hernan by the pool.She tells Fulgencio about the visit of an old girlfriend of Hernan.Zully snoops around Hernans pad looking for something. First in his bedroom then later in the living room.Both times Marcelino catches her.Ursula tells Fulgencio about the strange call Hernan received.Ursula doesnt know who called.Fulgencio wonders who could have called Hernan.Maybe it was Mac.arioErnesto & Nereo are all spiffed up.Ernesto is looking rather older than he actually is due to makeup & Nereo well hes ditched his old rags.Ernesto & Nereo are ready to leave the country.They have the documents they need.They will say Ernesto is off to get a prothesis due to losing a leg in a car accident and Nereo agrees and Ernesto tells him to pretend that he has some education and not to call him boss.Abril tells Mercedes what she talked to Magdalena about.Mercedes is thrilled Magdalena is about to forgive her.Abril tells her not to get her hopes up because sometimes it is hard for people to forgive but Magdalena did open up a door she had kept closed.Mercedes asks Abril what she can do to make Magdalena forgive her, and Abril tells her that she should show Magdalena that she can trust her, by telling her where she can find her sister.If Mercedes shows Magdalena shes willing to change things then Magdalena can forgive her.Hernan goes over to Marinas to tell her he knows about Esthercitas blabkmail.He tells her he is there for her.Hernan says once again she is suffering because of Damian.Marina rolls her eyes & doesnt want to start things again.Hernan interrupts & says he has a good relationship with Ursula.They understand each other & have the same tastes.Marina is happy because she wouldnt want Hernan to confuse things.Hernan tells Marina that with Ursulas help he is almost forgetting her.He tells her hes there as a friend.Marina believes him while he tells himself that hell woo her now that Damian is out of the way.Mercedes visits Magdalena.Robles tells Damian how both Hernan & Fulgencio are nervous.They each think the other is betraying the other.Robles tells Damian about Macs death & about Hernan s Interrogation.So Fulgencio believes Hernan is betraying him with Macario & Hernan believes Fulgencio has set a trap.Robles tells how Hernans number was the only number in Macarios cellphone.Damian will keep him informed on what happens with the two in town.Fulgencio & Esthercita talk about the strange calls.Fulgencio suspects Damian is making the strange calls.Esthercita thinks Fulgencio is paranoid.Fulgencio changes the subject.Fullgencio enlists Esthercitas help with his campaign.Esthercita will help.Esthercita wants Fulgencio to convince Damian that,shes leaving town today.Mercedes is determined to show Magdalena she trusts & loves her.If she has kept things hidden it is because she is afraid of losing her & Marina.Rebeca gives Beatriz a pedicure.Marina tells Rebeca & Beatriz how Hernans intention is to support her as a friend.He made it clear all is well with his relationship with Ursula.This calms Beatriz down a bit because Marina will be safer.Beatriz hopes Hernan stays out of Marinas life for good.Rebeca does not trust Hernan.Marina continues to defend Hernan.Hes not like that.Beatriz thinks to herself that Marina should not trust Hernan.Mercedes tells Magdalena that Marina does not know shes her biological mom.She hasnt told her because it isnt so easy.Marina knows she hasnt lived with her biological mom & when she asked Marina if she wanted to know who her biological mom is Marina said no.Mercedes tells Magdalena how much it hurt her to hear Marina say that.She feels the same way when Magdalena rejects her.Rebeca & Marina notice Beatriz is getting uncomfortable.Marina says if only they could communicate with her they would know what is wrong with her.Beatriz thinks she has to find a way to communicate with Marina to warn her about Hernan.Magdalena tells Mercedes she should tell Marina the truth.Mercedes says she has 2 wait & do it at the right time.She does not want to lose Marina.She does not want to lose any of her daughters.Magdalena says Marina has a right to know the truth.Mercedes asks Magdalena for time.Magdalena will give her time but not much time.She tells Mercedes to show her she wants to have both of her daughters by her side.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:52:30 +0000

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