Received the below message today and it brought me to tears. Im - TopicsExpress


Received the below message today and it brought me to tears. Im not having a particular great day health wise, celiac is always a struggle for me, then I read this message and I knew that it was all worth it. I never ever knew that with what Im trying to do in getting this disease awareness would deeply resonate with so so many. Im beyond moved. But it makes me realize that it could be one word or one smile or one kind gesture that can turn someones day and maybe even their life around. Pls if celiac or gluten intolerant or dealing with a health issue- offer your knowledge to someone who may need it, or just simply let them know they are not alone - can be just what someone needs to hear Im not sure you will ever see this, but if you, I just want to thank you for fighting so hard to reach every little corner you could to spread the word about Celiac Disease. Last night I walked into my house and my husband was waiting for me on the couch. Before I even had time to say hello or put my purse down he said, I have something for you. I sat down next to him and he pressed play on an episode of The Daily Show with John Stewart that he had been watching. It was the episode you were on. I listened very intently to his experience, your experience, and after it was all over I was in tears and my husband said, we were meant to see this. If you had not tried as hard as you did to reach anyone and everyone who would listen I dont know that I would have ever known about Celiac Disease. I do know that I would have continued a life of pain and constant food anxiety though. Ive known about Celiac Disease for less than 24 hours, but just having the knowledge and hope that maybe there really is something I can do, that its not all in my head, that Im not crazy; you changed my life yesterday. You gave me hope and courage to be my own advocate. Thank you.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 02:27:05 +0000

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