Recent dilemma.. CBD bill passed in Missouri...Yet Tres - TopicsExpress


Recent dilemma.. CBD bill passed in Missouri...Yet Tres doctors say it will be about a year before they are able to do anything. That they have no schedule I physicians to prescribe such medications, and are not sure if they will be able to prescribe such treatment. Oh and that Medical Marijuana is legal in Colorado. SMH! I am proud of our small victory, but this just a reminder.. that nothing will change unless marijuana is reclassified as a medication. I WISH I could just pack up and move to CO. But the fact is we cant afford to. So now we are stuck here to watch our son suffer longer. I was hoping to go back to college in the fall but now I am unsure if that will even be a possibility. We fight, just to have to fight more.. unrelenting in our struggle to survive in our great nation that was once built upon freedom. When I look at our country anymore I see bars and chains holding us down into conformity, forced to fit into a shape that is pleasing to society. This is wrong! I will never give up! Our only choice is to FIGHT for our rights! To uphold the ideas of our forefathers and to break free the chains of society and Change the status quo. This is a huge injustice and must be changed. It starts with us... Now, not later there is no time to waste as lives hang in the balance waiting to be saved.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:45:54 +0000

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