Recent world events make this a great time to read, or re-read, - TopicsExpress


Recent world events make this a great time to read, or re-read, Albert Camus classic existential novel THE PLAGUE. On the surface, the story is simple. Oran, an Algerian city under French occupation in the 1940s, is hit by a plague carried by rats (the story is based on actual cholera epidemics that have hit Oran since the 16th century). The French authorities seal off the city to contain the epidemic, and the inhabitants trapped inside must cope with almost certain death. How each character responds to the plague is the substance of this masterpiece that plumbs the heights and depths of the human condition in ways comparable to Dostoyevsky and Shakespeare. The most heroic character is Dr. Rieux, who, though an atheist, nevertheless fights around the clock to save lives, never hesitating to place himself at risk, though he fears nothing he does will make a significant difference. His example turns cowards into warriors who fight beside him for life itself. Several of these characters pay with their lives by succumbing to the plague; and each goes through a profound spiritual transformation. Many critics believe this story is a metaphor for French resistance to Nazi occupation in World War II. I believe it is far more than that. It asks How can we find meaning in the face of absurdity and suffering? Camus answer is that we create meaning through our actions. Dr. Rieuxs courageous fight to heal everyone he can reach pushes back the chaos in which he and others are trapped. Though I am myself a believer, I have profound respect for Camus because he asks all the right questions, and defines, with stunning clarity and beauty, our responsibilities to each other as human beings. I cannot recommend this book enough.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:35:24 +0000

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