Recently I had one of the greatest experiences, on FB. In the - TopicsExpress


Recently I had one of the greatest experiences, on FB. In the interest of “due diligence,” accuracy and full disclosure, many conversations (posts) are being edited. When Apartheid was alive and well in South Africa and Rhodesia, I was extremely critical. Apartheid is alive and well in Israel and I’m equally as critical. Julie, a Jewish woman, challenged my motives: she felt I had launched an unwarranted attack against Israel. My position: Israel cannot use my history to “steal” a country (Palestine), and then engage in Apartheid. The foundation of my argument is my history: First, geographically, there is no such land named the Middle East-the area is Northern Africa! Because everyone was Black there were no denotations of color… Residents of Judea “called” themselves Jews: 500 A.D., just as I “called” myself a New Yorker. The word Hebrew denoted who I was and my religion: I was Jacob [Israel], King David, King Solomon and so on…we were Hebrews not Jews. King Menelik I [Son of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba], whom King Solomon transferred the Arc of the Covenant. The House of Solomon ruled 3,000 years, over 225 generations: King Menelik I to Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. The justification for the theft of Palestine [Israel] in 1948 was supported by the United States and Russia; in violation of Britain’s “White Paper” which settled the Jewish-Arabic conflict, became religion. Britain was afraid to challenge the United States because the United States was providing Britain reconstruction funds under the Marshall Plan. In order to justify this theft, the history of Hebrews was combined with the desires of Jews… I was reminded, by “my” people that we have enough issues here. AND, why would I insult a “friend” when I’m seeking assistance with the ART CASE… I was reminded of the contributions Jews made during the Civil Rights Movement… I remember the day Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman was discovered in the swamp “of” Mississippi… Nomi Levin, Esq., was committed to the civil rights struggle and my Professor [Later Vice-President, New York University]-encourage me (during my police career NYCPD) to attend law school! [White logic]-one of my best friends was Jewish-Danny, my girlfriend was Jewish-Connie: nothing happened, her father had the family dog (Doberman-none of my other Jewish friends had dogs) sit between us. I was known with “affection” as Rabbi Melvin Levin… A patriot will die for his/her country (and FRIENDS), nationalist will lie for their country…However, unlike most, I remember the Black soldiers who died freeing Jews from concentration camps, and that Jews profited greatly from the slave trade…Aretha Franklin gave us the answer a long time ago: R-E-S-P-E-C-T! My final post on the subject was closed with this note: Please don’t accuse me of being Anti-Semitic – The Samaritans were Black and descents of the Israelite NATIONS of Ephraim and Manasseh the two sons of Joseph THE SON OF JACOB A/K/A Israel [Black Hebrew]. Julie’s final response (post) acknowledged the “sovereignty” of my history, her commitment to her heritage, and expressed a hope that a solution might be “discovered”, in spite of White privilege. My left eye became moist and a tear slowly fell upon my face; friendship can only be based on equality! The Blacks providing all the “grief” remain silent, and won’t dare lift a finger to assist the ART CASE, nor...
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 23:16:08 +0000

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