Recipes for Asuna’s Frontliner Sandwich and Rabbit Ragout - TopicsExpress


Recipes for Asuna’s Frontliner Sandwich and Rabbit Ragout provided with a special service~ Sword Art Online isn’t just full of monster-slaying, dungeon-crawling and harem-gathering. When she’s not kicking ass or threatening Kirito with various sharp objects, Asuna likes to cook all her own meals. I decided I take it upon myself to try and recreate a few of the dishes we’ve seen her whip up so far in order to level up my own cooking skill. A little effort in the kitchen is all that stands between you and the possibility of sampling some of Asuna’s home-cooking right in your very own home without even having to put on a NerveGear. Asuna’s Frontliner Sandwich Sword Art Online episode 6 I have something to confess to you: I have never made a sandwich before in my entire life. Sandwiches just weren’t something I enjoyed eating, so I shunned them throughout my childhood and took a myriad of different snacks with me for lunch instead of the universal PB&J sammy. While I’ve always loved the shocked gasps I get from diehard sandwich fans (which I’ve learned is an actual thing that exists), I figured I would try making a sandwich to see if I could satisfy my picky tastes. I succeeded. This is a flavourful and filling creation that could easily be eaten on the go while you’re grinding for levels! Ingredients: -half a fresh baguette -1/2 cup baby spinach -1 egg -1 teaspoon milk -1 tablespoon cooking mirin OR 1 tablespoon sugar -handful of dried cranberries -1/4 of an onion -small steak (cut thinly) -2 tablespoons soy sauce -1 teaspoon teriyaki sauce Recipe: 1. Get all your ingredients ready, you baka. 2. Cut your onion into flower-like shapes (more like throwing stars). If you’re not being obsessive like me, just cut it into small pieces like a goddamned normal person. 3. Get out a frying pan and begin cooking the steak and onions on med-high heat with soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. Cook until the onions are soft and the meat is just how you like it. 4. Set the meat and onions aside when it’s done and clean the pan. In a bowl, crack two eggs and stir it with milk and cooking mirin. I prefer mirin, If you don’t have it on hand, use sugar. 5. Once the eggs have been stirred, grease your pan and pour the mixture in. Set the heat to medium-low. Once the bottom starts to cook, try and coax the egg into a rectangular shape by folding the sides in. Flip it over and cook it on the other side. Once it stops running it can be set aside as well. 6. Cut the baguette in half because that’s how sandwiches work 7. Now we just lay on all the good stuff! Start with a layer of spinach, then egg, then onions and cranberries, and finish off with your glorious steak. Put the other half of the baguette on top and wrap that badboy in a napkin. Sorry for the messy presentation, but I assure you it tastes good. The soy sauce for the steak gives it a bit of a salty taste that’s balanced out by the sweetness of the egg. I called the cranberries “surprise sugary treats” but my friends who were subjected to the taste test called them “weird additions from a girl who eats too much sugary things.” Feel free to skip the cranberries, guys. I like them, at least. As it stands, my only regret is not being able to acquire white, flower-like objects for the sandwich. The improvised onions tastes good, but lack the delicate look Asuna’s sandwich had. Like I said…I’m still leveling up my skills here! ——————————————————— Rabbit Ragout Sword Art Online episode 8 Rabbit is indeed a rare ingredient! I’ve never cooked with it before either. Yes, another first. You are in such good hands with all these first time attempts at cooking things, aren’t you? Anyways, I was up for the challenge at making a real feast and not completely wrecking this elusive drop item. This dish takes considerably more work than the sandwich, but the outcome is pretty rewarding. Ingredients: -a rabbit (preferably dead) -2 potatoes -1 and 1/2 cups chicken broth -1 tablespoon olive oil Marinade -1/4 tomato -1/4 red onion -2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce -1 tablespoon ketchup -1 tablespoon garlic powder -1 teaspoon thyme -1 teaspoon cilantro Recipe: 1. Clean the rabbit thoroughly and cut it up into sections. I got my butchers to do most of the cutting, so I just had to remove a couple of organs like the liver. If your rabbit has a head…have fun. 2. Place the rabbit into a tupperware container and put in sliced tomatoes (cut into small pieces), sliced red onions (also in small pieces), garlic powder, cilantro, ketchup, thyme leaves and worcestershire sauce. Close the lid and shake it like a polaroid picture before placing it in the fridge to marinate for at least an hour. 3. Cut 1 potato into small cubes (about 1cm all around) and the other potato into very tiny, thin slices so they dissolve and thicken the stew. Put the potatoes as well as the tomatoes and onions from the tupperware into a large pot on the side. 4. Brown the rabbit in a frying pan with olive oil until the outside is nice and cooked. Put the rabbit into the pot when it’s done and add in chicken broth. 5. Set the heat to high until the stew starts to boil, then turn the heat down to low. Put a lid on top of the pot and let it simmer for 2 hours. 6. Are two hours up? Your stew is done! Serve on rice and/or some lettuce and enjoy. I used a slight modification of my mom’s recipe, which is ironic since she was the one who was absolutely petrified at the idea of me bringing home an entire rabbit to hack up and cook. That’s another story entirely though. The dish itself turned out nicely! The rabbit meat fell right off the bone from stewing so long. I now know that I like rabbit, as it tastes almost exactly like chicken. Like with the sandwich, I invited a friend over so a third party could give it a taste, and he seemed to really enjoy it. Success! Unless he was just humouring me! Overall, it was an “anything goes” sort of dish since we never see the finished product in SAO, but I tried to use everything I saw Asuna cutting up in the anime as an ingredient to make it at least slightly authentic. ——————————————————— Natural Honey Mint Tea Sword Art Online episode 6 Here’s a little bonus that’s dead simple to cook because it involves zero cooking. All you need is a few mint leaves, a teaspoon of honey and boiling water. Simply put a few mint leaves into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Stir it around and let it sit for about 7-10 minutes so it’s nice and strong. Afterwards, remove the leaves and stir in about a tablespoon of honey (depending on how sweet you want it). Take a sip and enjoy some perfectly natural mint tea while you puzzle over murder mysteries! The real mystery is what flavour of tea they were actually drinking in episode 6 though…Hmm…my guess was mint though, so let’s leave it at that. Case closed.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:37:38 +0000

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