Reflecting A-1 Home Care’s mission of providing amazing 24 hour - TopicsExpress


Reflecting A-1 Home Care’s mission of providing amazing 24 hour senior home care services in Southern California, elder caregiver Larry Bustamante excels in taking care of our elderly home care client, Mr. Don K. of Los Angeles, because Larry looks up to Don as though his own father. For the past two years, Larry has built a good relationship with our senior home care client, bonded with Don’s family as well, and continued enjoying being considered as Don’s own son. Larry reveals, “Love the client as though the client is your parent.” Like a son admiring his father, the care provider treasures the stories that Don shares with him—stories that show how the home care client has succeeded in life and that teach the elder caregiver some lessons on living a productive life. Larry finds that gaining knowledge from Don’s wisdom to be satisfying. The Los Angeles care provider appreciates that the elderly care service client shares his last moments with Larry. Grateful that Don has confided his life history to him, Larry injects humor in their conversations and gains fulfillment seeing Don happy. When the dynamic duo watches TV, Don usually recognizes actors that he used to work with before he retired as a movie star; the home care client would then recall what it was like working with these actors. Larry and Don also view the opera and western movies that Don has starred in, such as “Gunsmoke” and “Liar, Liar”. Larry and Don always have a blast, which helps with the elderly care service client’s well-being. No wonder that Larry was recognized as A-1 Home Care’s Caregiver of The Month in May 2013. Before immigrating to the United States from the Philippines, Larry worked as a sales engineer in Saudi Arabia. The personal care aid likes the elder home care field, because he gets to use his people’s skills for compassionate care and develops his experience in dealing with different people. Larry also worked previously in an assistant living facility for seven years before joining our Los Angeles caregiver service team. He believes that since the elder care field is a service-oriented career, new care providers ought to work “not just for the money” and to “put your heart into it.” He suggests other elderly home caregivers, “Be patient with the elderly. Have lots of patience and diligence. The more you put your heart into your work, the more you feel satisfied. If you fulfill your duties, your hard work will come back to you. Your way of giving back will return to you. It’s really a give and take.” A-1 Home Care thanks Larry for his outstanding work and passion for the elderly—a mission that our 24 hour home care team proudly pursues in Los Angeles and Orange County. #24hour #seniorcare #homecareservices #elder #caregiver
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:14:55 +0000

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