Reflections on a memorable day in the life How did I spend my day - TopicsExpress


Reflections on a memorable day in the life How did I spend my day today. What did I have for my morning breakfast? Did I have the quintessential full Irish ? The gargantuan and indigestible yet stultifying yet visually stunning dolly mixture of liquorice all sorts that is bacon egg sausage black pudding, chips. No siree, Did I see instead the sporting champions deliver the bacon? I certainly did and what an array of sporting champions did I witness. What did I discern, observe, perceive and ponder deeply on? Was it the transmogrification of the British Empire or the continued domination hegemony and sheer unparalleled brilliance of that empire on the turfing flat by the eponymous magnificent affable and quite simply incomparable Tony Mc Coy. Well wow sure I did. What majesty in jumping the fences, what accomplished endeavour in organising the horse to his delectation, what prescience in delivering the apposite finish, what delight in seeing the support cheer him on as the king of king the champion of champions the simply imperious Tony Mc Coy. What did I deign to digest for luncheon , the midday meal , the post elevenses delectation , the dance at noon with food, whatever your choice, I simply had this, was it a ploughmans lunch, was it a luscious danish pastry, was it the emblem of a beef stronganoff, a whiff of a brandy, no none of these sophistications, I simply had the following, love acceptance, humility,, willingness to change, willingness to converse , willingness to remove resentment , ill feeling towards others and self, preoccupation, anxiety, what emotions and feeling did it evoke in me afterwards, was I famished with discontent, was I disquieted by the fact that my tummy was vacuous for the duration of eight hours, no why should I be, did Christ not sacrifice and immolate himself with hunger for forty days and forty nights, what sort of sacrifice was this on my part, a simple token of restraint from self preoccupation with the arts of tummy filling, an irrelevance, an irreverent gesture, coudl it be described as grandiloquent on my part or groundbreaking, how many others have sacrificed their stomach for the benefit of contentment, witty repartee, conversation, chat, and dialogue with others, there are a whole array of examples, how do I appreciate good food, with candour, joy, felicity, contentment, giggles, laughter, intrigue, fascination, wonder and sheer delight at what a magnificent set of beings humanity is composed of , what munificence, charity, altruism, philantrophic values, charm, charisma, magic, fun witty mishchievous, such a compilation, and so necessary to the enjoyment of life , like the best orchestras in harmony, like the finest musicians , like the greatest show on earth, like a utopian vision of what real life is, full of joy, participation, games , generosity and dowright wonderful fun, what a piece of work is man , it bears repeating , it really does
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:03:38 +0000

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