Regarding the current labour dispute; why are we surprised? We - TopicsExpress


Regarding the current labour dispute; why are we surprised? We have a party that has been in power so long, theyve forgotten that they are accountable to anyone else but their own sensibilities (they hide this under the mantle of what they call their solid mandate from the electorate). This is a party that demanded, and got, the resignation of a premier who hadnt actually done anything wrong and was acquitted by the courts while the then premier was prosecuted and found guilty of drunk driving (endangering the public not only with backward thinking legislation but physically as well). And I wish this were the only example of this government flouting the laws of our land, the laws that are meant to keep this a civil society. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled (twice - not once - twice!) that this government has not bargained in good faith but apparently the highest court in the land is not good enough for these folks. In my books, the government has forfeited any high ground here and need to get back to bargaining (and by this, I mean actually listening to what the teachers are asking for and making some worthwhile suggestions and concession to try to meet the need of students and classrooms across this Province). Teachers want to get back to work and they want to do it in a way thats best for our kids, our collective future. Its time to get off the pot and settle this in a way that best meets the needs of our kids which - Ill say again - are the future of our Province and our collective future. But perhaps this government is too busy thinking about themselves rather than what might be best for the kids (and by extension, us).
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:00:53 +0000

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