Regardless of whether you love, hate or indifferent to George - TopicsExpress


Regardless of whether you love, hate or indifferent to George Galloway surely the issue here is not even that an elected member of the House of Commons is physically attacked on the streets of London because of his political views. a fact that in itself is appalling regardless of those views; the issue surely is that only one of his 650 or so fellow MPs has sent a public message of sympathy and that as far as I am unaware of none of them publicly condemning the attack. Imagine for one moment if you will the scenario had this been an MP well known for being outspoken supporter of Israel that had been attacked by a pro-Palestinian or, heaven forbid, a muslim, we would not have heard the last of it. I can picture it now MPs queueing up to well-wish and condemn this sick extremism and Dave and his Cabinet goons would not have wasted a moment in seizing the opportunity to make a press statement from outside of the hospital, regardless of the victim’s party allegiance. Another thing which struck me at the time was that even when reporting the attack, most of the mainstream media could not help but mention and in some cases devote anything up to 50% of their report space to the fact that the Police, following up on complaints from two members of the the public, interviewed him under caution after he was accused of inciting racial hatred by declaring his constituency, Bradford West, an Israel-free zone”.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:51:10 +0000

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