Relaxation Methods For pain - TopicsExpress


Relaxation Methods For pain control.................................................... Introduction Pain An unpleasant sensory & emotional experience associated with actual or described in terms of such damage. (The International Association for the Study of pain) Relaxation • A lessening of tension or activity in a part. Or • A Phase or period in a single muscle twitch following contraction in which tension decreases, fibers lengthen & the muscle returns to a resting position Or • Relaxation is a way to lower the stress & anxiety. • Relaxation helps relieve or control the amount of pain we are feeling. • It helps relieve our pain or keeps it from getting worse by helping get rid of the tightness in our muscles. General relaxation • Relaxation of the entire body. General progressive relaxation techniques • Apatientmaylearntorelaxthetotalbodyoranextremity.Tensioninmusclescanberelievedbyconsciouseffort&thought. Procedure- • 1. Place the patient in a quiet area & in a comfortable position, & be sure that he/she is free of restrictive clothing. • 2. Have the patient breathe in a deep, relaxed manner. • 3. Ask the patient to voluntarily contract the distal musculature in the hands or feet for a few second. Then have the patient consciously relax those muscles. • 4. Suggest that the patient try to feel a sense of heaviness in the hands or feet. • 5. Suggest to the patient that he or she feels a sense of warmth in the muscles just relax. • 6. Progress to a more proximal area of the body. Have the patient actively contract & then actively relax more proximal musculature. Eventually have the patient isometrically contract & then consciously relax the entire extremity. • 7. Suggest to the patient that he or she should feel a sense of heavinees & warmth throughout the entire limb & the whole body. Deep breathing exercise/ technique • In a relaxed position, take a slow, deep breath, and slowly release the breath & count to five for inhale and five for exhale to establish a slow rhythm of breathing. • Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, releasing tension • Feel the stomach expanding and releasing with each long inhale and exhale. • Continue breathing in and out, focusing exclusively on the sound and experience of the breathing. Progressive Muscle Relaxation • Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is an easy and effective technique for relaxing body and mind. PMR involves deliberately tensing specific muscle groups for a short period of time and then releasing the tension. • Start by tightening one group of muscles (e.g. lower arm) and hold the tension for 8 seconds. Then quickly release tension, letting all the pain and tension flow out as exhale. • Repeat the tension-relaxation cycle with the same muscles then proceed to other muscle groups. • With each release, focus on feeling the muscles relax and become loose and limp. Localrelaxation • Relaxation limited to a particular muscle group or to a certain part. H.E.A.T• Heat treatments help to relax muscles and promote circulation. • Soak in a warm tub, shower, or whirlpool. • Use an electric blanket or mattress pad (turning the heat up in the morning will help with morning stiffness). • Use a heating pad or hot packs for 15minutes on the painful site. Cold War Kids• Cold treatments work by numbing the sore area and reducing inflammation. • Place a cold pack or ice bag on the painful area • Cold treatments should be used only 15-20 minutes at a time. Massage • It is well documented that massage, particularly deep massage, can be used to increase local circulation & to Decrease muscle spasm & stiffness. Massage is often Preceded by the application of heat to further improve the extensibility of soft tissues prior to stretching. Biofeedback • A way of learning to change the bodies responses in a way that improves health • Through visual or auditory feedback, a patient can begin to sense or feel what muscle relaxation is. • Used to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax • Muscle biofeedback EMG (electromyography) • Skin conductance biofeedback • Brain wave bio feedback (EEG) Joint traction or oscillation • Slight manual distraction of joint surfaces prior to or in conjunction with joint mobilization or stretching techniques can be used to inhibit joint pain & spasm of muscles around a joint. • Pendular motions of a joint, advocated by Codman, use the weight of the limb to distract the joint surfaces & there by to oscillate & relax the limb. TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) • A method of producing electro analgesia through electrodes applied to the skin. Local nerve block: • In filtration of a local anesthetic around a peripheral nerve so as to produce anesthesia in the area supplied by the nerve. Meditation • Refers to techniques that focus the mind and promote a state of calmness so that the mind and body can be brought in to greater harmony to facilitate health and healing. • Meditation is a specific type of relaxation intervention that also can have an effect on pain. • Meditation can result in a higher tolerance to pain; decreased anxiety, stress and depression; increased activity levels. • The meditative technique based on increased awareness and staying in the moment, called mindfulness meditation, has been successfully used in treatment programs to reduce pain and improve mood in patients. Imagery • A relaxation method in which the person focuses on positive images in his mind. Acupuncture:In acupuncture, special needles are inserted in to the body at certain points and at various depths and angles. Particular groups of acupuncture points are believed to control specific areas of pain sensation. Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis is a trance like state that can be brought on by a person trained in special techniques. During hypnosis, a person is very receptive to suggestions made by the hypnotist. To relieve pain, the hypnotist may suggest that pain will be gone when the person “wakes up.” Yoga: An ancient practice for bringing body and mind into harmony using meditation, physical postures, breathing, and exercise. Emotional Support and Counseling • When a man feels anxious or depressed, his or her pain may seem worse. • Pain is sometimes compared to a big black hole where a man can lose him/herself and have negative feelings like being scared, alone, and sad. • Pain can cause men to feel worried, depressed, or easily discouraged. Some men feel hope less or helpless. • Other men may feel embarrassed, in a dequate, orangry, frightened, isolated. • These are normal feelings. There are things men can do to make themselves feel better. • If men experience these feelings, they should ask for help. Doctor or nurse case manager should attend to their pain and these feelings. Emotional Support and Counseling: It is also important for men to try to talk about their feelings with some one they feel comfortable with–family or friends.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:29:54 +0000

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