Religious beliefs and teachings and dogmas have a tendency to - TopicsExpress


Religious beliefs and teachings and dogmas have a tendency to create separation of Self from Source because these beliefs tend to discourage a full direct and meaningful experience of Source that is within all of you. Yes, Source is inside each and every one of you. And this understanding, this knowing and full acceptance is what is needed at these times. A healing of the separation of Source is needed to reconnect you to Source. Know and understand and accept that you are never separate or separated from Source. There is a God Essence and Source within all of you. This is always the case. By relying on an outside institution to manage this relationship for you, you are turning away from that God Source within you. You do not need to do this as it is unnecessary. In essence, religion and its dogma teach you how to turn away from this God Source that all of you have within you by having you rely on the external and foregoing the internal. This lowers your energy vibration and does not help with your ascension process. You do not need to be blessed by any priest or third party religious figure to receive Source’s blessing upon you. You can be blessed within and do not need to rely on others to bless you. Relying on others gives away your control and freedom as it implies separation. There is no separation as we are all One, we are all Source. When you see this for what it is, you can be ready to be blessed by Source directly. Understanding and accepting this truth will serve your ascension well. You must understand and accept yourself as a part of Source, and that the blessings will come directly from Source, and not some third party priest or religious person. You are all going to eventually merge back to Source when you are ready. This is what the Christ Consciousness is all about. You are all part of Source and Source is a part of you. Imagine Source as a body or water and you are a cup of that water experiencing life in that water on Earth. But that cup is still Source, that cup is still you with your own separate and distinct energy resonance. There is nothing else that is required to receive any blessings from Source, just the recognition of You, for the magnificent being of Source that you are. This is what living in Christ Consciousness is all about. When you know and understand and accept this truth, you are living in Christ Consciousness. When you know this, you will feel this truth and it will resonate in your being. Religion has hid this truth from you through dogma, illusions and false teachings and deceptions. It is time now to find this truth. When you know this as truth in your heart, these illusions and false truths disappear and you stand in your truth and in your light and in your own knowing. You are the Christ Consciousness at that point. You then stand in the Christ Consciousness as the Source being that you are. Every soul that incarnates on Earth has innocent and pure Soul Essences. There are never bad choices, just lessons and experiences from the choices you make. You come to Earth to learn karmic lessons and grow and develop spiritually. That is why you are here. Christianity’s dogma of original sin in not true and causes fear and disempowerment due to the false understanding that there is an external God sentencing you for your sins. Nothing can be further from the truth. In addition, this unnecessary fear causes separation to recognizing your Source within. As you are separated, your energy vibration is lowered. Source is within you, not external to you. When you know this and accept this, you are living with and in the Christ Consciousness. And if you feel that God is external to you, you fear it and you do not see it and thus there is separation. Not seeing this causes you to be blinded as your power is given away due to the false understanding of a fearful God that does not exist. Not only are you separated from Source within, you are filled with fear that God will punish you. God never, ever, punishes. God is inside you and loves you immensely. You manifest your thoughts so if you feel fear in a vengeful God, that is what you will experience in your reality. And fear lowers your energy vibration. Thus you gave up your control and power. Be careful of religious institutions that are corrupted by control issues and power and their false dogmas and teachings and doctrines. Original Sin does not exist and had been invented to enslave the masses. You do not need to rely on an external God. Look within for salvation. Find your God Essence within you. If you are trapped by this religious dogma and false teachings, then this is a lower vibration which created guilt and shame which causes more separation from Source within. You need to remove yourself from this hindering belief and raise your vibration from fear to love, as Source is pure Love. And you experience what you feel and think. Your thoughts manifest. And if you are projecting a frightening God and sin, you are scared and you become more and more bound to the dogma of the various religions that control you and you become a subservient puppet to others’ agendas. It is time to stand up in your light and in your truth.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 13:09:51 +0000

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