Religious extremism is the consequence of Secular and Humanist - TopicsExpress


Religious extremism is the consequence of Secular and Humanist extremism in the world. How? Well the secularists and humanists are in the habit of changing religious values of people through force of law that affects very conscience of the religious people and sparks religious sentiment in them...If you are not inclusive objectively but your inclusion means sacrifice of the sacred then you are amassing religious hatred and sparking religious extremism. Looking at Middle East the secular, humanists west have done that. For generations Britain and Major western imperial powers have enforced non-religious values of large part of religious Muslim population and still today in the name of democracy and secularism America is championing that cause. In Malaysia also the secular law was close of inciting religious extremism by saying that it is the right of freedom of religion of Christians to say Allah in bible, (How is this a right is beyond me as if Allah is Jesus)...Hamas (many call them extremists), Isis, Muslim Brotherhood (many also call them extremists), Jamat (Many call them extremists), all were products of secular extremism: Hamas: Hamas was born out to counter Zionism who overtook Palestine through the backing of secular western colonisers Isis: Isis is the result of US/UK invasion of Iraq to establish secular democracy MB: Was the result of British enforcement of Un Islamic secular values on the Egyptian Muslim masses Jamat: was the result of long British occupation of India and hostility against Islamic rule and values. To blame Islamic extremism on Islamic ideology is pure ignorance...Since the crusades western political establishment had been the number 1 enemy of Islam...and never ceases to be...
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:07:59 +0000

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