Religious war. One thing that seems to escape most people is the - TopicsExpress


Religious war. One thing that seems to escape most people is the there is no such thing as war of "religions." Whoever reads the books they would understand that there can never be war between a sincere Muslim and a sincere Christian. Why? because they have read the books and obey them. If a Christian is commanded to turn the other cheek and a Muslim is commanded to NEVER be the aggressor how can there be religious war? War can only exist between an ignorant hypocrite who claims to be a Christian and an ignorant hypocrite who claims to be a Muslim. This, of course, exclude wars of pure self defense but that is a differen topic. The point I am trying to make is that those who are not followers of the Message, those who go against what was revealed to Jesus or what was revealed to Muhammad, are NOT Christian on Muslim. This must be understood. By their deeds you can recognize them. Let me list just a few examples to provide a frame of reference for the previous statement. Lets look at some "Christians" like George Bush or Barack Obama or Tony Blair or any of many "world leaders" who claim to be Christians. These people have waged multiple murderous campaigns all over the world, many times under false pretenses. They lied to take people to war. These wars have resulted in violent deaths of over a Million people abroad and slow starvation of many more due to embargoes and such. Not to mention the poverty at home as a consequence of these wars. Hstory is full of similar inhumanities in the name of Christs and they continue to this very day. So the question that must be asked it this: Did Jesus tell you to act like this? How many wars did Jesus start under false pretenses? How many embargoes did he advocate for? How many people did he starve? How many did he kill? And there are many questions like this that beg for an answer. It is ironic that so many "Christian" people are not calling this travesty out. Apparently a man can act in total opposition to the teachings of Jesus and be considered a Christian, how so? I guess the answer is ignorance and hypocrisy. But however many justifications may be given as why these men should be considered Christian the fact remains that prophet Jesus said: "Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, BUT INLY THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF THE FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" -- Matthew 7:17-23 So these people will claim to have been Christians but the message is clear. Their deeds are a testament against them, fire is their destiny. Alaso, I used war as an example here but I could have used usury, corruption, injustice, inequity, racism, immorality etc etc. So the question that begs to be asked is: Where are the real Christians? Now that we looked at an example of "Christians" let us look at some example of "Muslims." Look at the Saudi royal family, look at the leaders of Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Syria. Look at the Sunni and Shia extremists who kill each other in their mosques. Look at the people who behead those of different faiths in spite of the fact that Allah says in the Quran "whoever wills let him disbelieve." -- Quran 18:29. So how are the people who disobey the order of Allah Muslims? How about these "rulers" I have listed above? Did you see their palaces? Their yachts? Their cars? Their private airplanes? How many palaces did prophet Muhammad have? Zero! These people took ownership over something Allah GAVE THE PEOPLE (oil) and have used it to hoard wealth and build palaces for themselves. They have hoarded the oil and sit on their billions while Muslims starve all over the world. Yet we allow them to call themselves Muslim? We call them Muslim!? But if they call themselves that and even if we call them that Allah says in the Quran "On the day when it shall be heated in the fire of hell, then their foreheads and their sides and their backs shall be branded with it; this is what you hoarded up for yourselves, therefore taste what you hoarded." -- Quran 9:35 So I hope they enjoy their palaces because Allah will reward them for it. I also hope that those who serve in their militaries and police forces remember the lesson of the story of the pharaoh: And Firon led astray his people and he did not guide (them) aright." -- Quran 20:79 Following corrupt leaders makes you a guilty as them. As my last example of ignorant hypocrites who call themselves "Muslim" and hide themselves behind that label are those who kill others for not agreeing with their particular theology. The most clear example of this are the sectarian wars which we see now where "Muslims" are killing "Muslims." They do this even though Allah says: "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement." -- Quran 4:94 Of course, these are only few examples and as with the "Christian" examples I could have used many more. The same question begs to be asked here as well: Where are the true Muslims? So these are the kinds of people who start and fight "religious" wars. But we can clearly see that they are in clear opposition to teachings of God. So, in fact, they are the enemies of God and the faithful, Christian and Muslims alike. When we look at people like this we can begin to understand that they do not fit the description of what a Christian or a Muslim is. It is clearly laid out in the Gospel and the Quran that the person whose deeds are in contrast to commandments of God is not a believer. In both books the fire of hell is promised for such people. This is what must be understood before anything can move forward. As long as the hypocrites are allowed to sell their ignorance and hypocrisy as religion, the truth will continue to be hidden in plain sight and pain and suffering will continue. Unless, people educate themselves to recognize the difference between a believer and a disbeliever/hypocrite/ignorant this age of pain and ignorance must continue indefinitely. Although, i have laid out examples of ignorance and hypocrisy using a few people in power this was not about them. This is about each of us individually. Many of us may actually be "those people" without realizing it. So where are real Christians and Muslims and why are they so quiet? Why have they let hypocrites hijack faith and commit countless crimes in Gods name? I think the time has come to stop worrying about offending people and start calling them out according to scripture. If this is not done the future generations may find themselves being burdened by the same "religious wars" our ancesstors left for us. They may find themselves throwing their souls into the fire like countless people are today. There was never a "religious" war. History, as it has been passed on to us, is a lie. Plain and simple.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 04:47:33 +0000

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