Relinquish or employment relationship is often the most sensible - TopicsExpress


Relinquish or employment relationship is often the most sensible way to live better . Understand why doing so is not necessarily synonymous with defeat Thinkstock / Getty Images Quitting is also change something that is bad, and this , by itself, can mean a great relief Insist , persist , try again . In shared on social networks , cards ( some would even send paper cards to friends and family ) and even in the lyrics of songs such slogans leave a single message arts : it is forbidden to give up even if it means being sad , suffering and fell sick . But if a situation is not good , why the tendency of most people is to stay in it ? In the competitive society we live in , we are not created to take a defeat . And for many people , quitting is synonymous with being beaten , which is far from the truth , says the psychologist , coach of women and strategy consultant in personnel management Gisele Meter . Read more The importance of motivation 80 movies with life lessons Moreover , there are those who will not give up something that is bad for fear of suffering as a rejection response . For example : finish a dating and hear oh , okay, I did not like you even more now or talk to the boss and get a raise or will quit the job and he said I will not give the increase , if you will want to stay or not is irrelevant to me . Not everyone who has structure to it , adds psychologist . To the psychiatrist Roberto Shinyashiki , author of books like Crazy for Living and Success Is To Be Happy (both from Publisher Celebrity ) , insist on that disrupts life is related to the dislike of the unknown. People prefer evil known to the unknown risk . They undergo a job with no prospect of growth or a relationship that only brings frustration because they feel safe . Imagine that there, at least , shall not be dismissed or abandoned . Adaptation is a feature that accommodates the human being, he says. Learn 12 steps to create courage How insist unconditionally is part of the dynamics of our society and human characteristics , it is not always easy to tell when it is better to give up something to improve their lives . Read on for ten signs its time to stop what is not working to start again : 1 ) The other party does not give signs that are in tune with your intentions Their desire is that dating evolve to the wedding, but her boyfriend dodges the issue or speaks openly to marry is not in his immediate plans . You occupy the same position at work for years and sees a possibility of growth in the company , but his head does not value their work . No use to punch in knifepoint . To give certain projects , both parties need to be on the same page , says Roberto . 2 ) You think about it sometimes quite distant from him The problem does not get out of your head , you suffer because of him all day . If it is something related to work , the sentimental part is neglected ; it is a dissatisfaction with the partner , work performance falls . Realizing that the focus is far from being done and lived at that moment , the ideal is to stop and evaluate . Certainly not worth it anymore to keep it in their day to day , advises Gisele . 3 ) His insistence prevents good opportunities to be exploited Often , good opportunities arise change - a job at another company , which would remove him from the occupation that you hate , a friend interested in dating you , but you did nothing because youre committed to that guy that just makes you ill - and escape because you only focuses on not giving up , not to give the impression that they did not try hard enough to succeed . After a while , you realize that it no longer seize them and regrets . Repentance is a strong signal that its time to let go . It is the process of self- manifesting , says Gisele . 4 ) You have the speech ready to give up , but never put into practice The situation bothers you so much that you already know how to go talk to the boss or partner who does not take any more . Rehearsed in front of the mirror, in traffic , before bedtime . But , in the hour of action, can not put it out. Believe me, if you are willing to spend so much energy development , it is because it makes more sense to keep the situation, says Roberto . Thinkstock / Getty Images Will go away and leave everything behind is an indication that its time to quit 5 ) You get to imagine wild plans to escape the situation People are perfectly balanced able to come up with crazy plans to escape something that displeases without the hassle of facing forward, Roberto says. According to the psychiatrist , escape plans or arming scandals that prevent a frank conversation are clear signs that it is better to give up and go to another . 6 ) His behavior in everyday life changes radically Social recovery greatly influences the insistence by keeping in an unpleasant position - just the thought of having to explain why he is no partner or unemployed , many people opt for bad accommodation. The consequences end up appearing in behavior. Women expansive become withdrawn and quiet , calm we feel irritable , some among depressed exemplifies Gisele . 7 ) Dissatisfaction becomes your main subject At lunch , the happy hours on the phone or online with friends you always talk the job is horrible , boyfriend or husband that you can not take it anymore. Even if we try to change the subject , you always come back to it . When you stop paying attention to their complaints and keep another topic , you lose interest in the conversation . Gisele compares these situations thinking about the problem all the time : The only addition is that here is this obsession aloud . 8 ) Your sleep patterns and feeding are affected The concern with some unsatisfactory aspect of life can drastically change the sleep and food. Signs of insomnia or excessive sleep can be noticed , the person may eat fewer or discounting this frustration overeating . The patterns are lost , says Gisele . The big problem is that this also affects health , then it is good to apply changes as soon as these signals are perceived . 9 ) Self-esteem is low Who is the living force something that does not make you well do not feel like dressing up . It is also common to feel ugly, even if it is not , or is not , says Gisele . So do not pay attention to the clothes you will wear to go to work or to go out and not be willing to fix her hair , makeup and nails are signs that something needs to change - and the initiative must be yours. 10 ) Friends and family near advise you to give up If the situation gets to the point of addressing several people close to you spontaneously say that the best thing to do is give up something , because this is really the best option. Especially nowadays , where there is so much trouble to be honest , for fear of losing the friendship . Who takes courage to give a touch re really worried , says Roberto . Nothing keep repeating that they are jealous of you - because an unhappy life is no reason to envy. Listen to those who wish him well and listen to your heart . The good side After some reflection about the signs raised by experts , it is necessary to face inertia , peer pressure and the fear itself power to give up something and move on, start over. The advantages are many . A person gains space to renew and resume your goal - plus the peace of mind of peaceful sleep , says Roberto . This is not giving up on dreams , but the partners who do evil . Leaving a company that did not endear him opens the way to build a great career in competitors . If the relationship does not work , does not mean that the project failed to love , but that did not work with that person . Gisele adds that self-knowledge and self-love are the greatest benefits earned by those who are allowed to resume . You lose the fear , you gain autonomy . The thought turns to what lies ahead , not for what was left behind. And , to boot , who has this security conquer others fascination , because they all look with admiration for those who give up and bancam this decision , he concludes .
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 13:36:50 +0000

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