Remember Sessions With In the Council Of Light Me: what - TopicsExpress


Remember Sessions With In the Council Of Light Me: what should I tell the humas today Council Of Light: Share With Them This. Oh incarnated ones Love is the only thing that is real in this holographic Universe That you all are playing in. Love is all here is. love is all there is. Now! you should want to know why is love real and not an illusion Because all of you were originally divine Love and never stopped being Divine love and it was love that motivated all of you to incarnate and densify to learn. When ask if you wanted to be a part of this Experiment To pretend to leave spirit real But you never actually left Souls are dreaming up,a human life And projecting holographically Form Insperience for experience Pretending to leave the comfort of spirit realm For this physical projected life Love was your original contractual agreement And you all are on assignment from The Council Surprised! now you know All of you are divine Function And look around you all of you are on duty Working on behalf of all that is All of you are Divine Ambassadors Once you all see your self this way All the problems of earth are resolved dissolved Irrelevant. But now you know Act like you know Me: I love hearing The council perception on LOVE Council. Of Light Love is an energy that the energy of the source is made of No other description can describe it on or off the physical plane The forms of love that is spoken of on the physical plane is still just only one love Because In reality all is ONE love existed in and out of your hologram Your holographic Reality was designed because of love and will end because of love. Me: But They Have Heard This Before Council: well if there was anything more important In This Now Point That is what we would Share how is it oh children when one of you look at the other yawning you automatically yawn all like mysteries and deep thoughts and drama and want to know the inner workings or everything. If you all knew you knew everything and remember everything it would void the game.....and then you would all blame us for revealing to much to soon. So we will just continue to enjoy your show. And you your higher self will download what you need when you need it And not a moment too soon or too late. We know humans like things complicated But we love simplicity Love is what existence is in the polarized world and In spirit realm Love is all there is And if that sound Naive Its simply because the human cannot perceive how profoundly Simple that is. Me: can I tell them complicated metaphysical Scientific facts to impress their minds and their ego Hahaha. Just joking. The Council Of Light : Well tell them not to worry because the human mind cannot come up with anything Its just a Receiving station and that they are not in direct control, their higher self is the why are you worried about everything just relax and let the higher self do its job. Let them know they are all rightly guided there in no wrong turn. All of it is for learning and they are well protected and loved by us in spirit realms. Me: you said tell them they are well protected What are they needing protection from. The Council of light: Interesting that was a planted thought And you were able to vividly notice. The only protection you need is from yourselves and each other But with unconditional love you all will be well protected from each other. You all are growing so fast We plant a thought to come out later and you all grasp what we try to hide Even us are impressed with your human condition of growing so fast. Me: Why do you all sound or speak the way you do council : actually we are not speaking to you we are downloading packets of information that your higher self does the best it can for you to translate into your everyday language We love laughing at human and how you are so involved In this game that you dont notice that is not real. Dont worry each of you will get to be on our position in time you too Will laugh me: tell me more of the vibration of Love The vibration of love allows us to transfer all the corrections Needed to be done to help incarnate heaven on earth. Your human body is need of corrections lets say over 50 improvements need to be made to the Humans to upgrade you to divinity. And raise you into your light bodies To Re Turn To Us We have this covered With your help of unconditional love for each other. We dont see your physicality We see your light your energy your intentions We dont see tribes and race and color We leave that up to you with your physical eyes. We see your energy. Develop the Habit of Asking Us for Assistance Because we dont force we are equal partners with you And we would only come when A.S.K Ask Seek Knock and the door will be opened. And Love Is The Key To The Door Of Your Heart listen To This Mystery A Revealed Secret Love Is The Key To Us your Journey To Us is through Your Heart Space travel is an inward journey The universe in inside your heart Not your consciousness. Me: Thank You Thank You I will tell them like it is. The Re Turn Council
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 19:47:57 +0000

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