Remember last conversation about VR Oculus rift , the only - TopicsExpress


Remember last conversation about VR Oculus rift , the only limitation regarding Oculus is that it cannot interact with the real world. I forgot to mention that day there is a project on way that promise blend VR with the real world. the project name is Magic Leap How serious is this project 542 million in funding from Google—and Qualcomm, and Legendary Pictures, and venture capital bigshots Andreessen Particularly notable employees who joined Magic Leap Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash Cyberpunk Best Seller ) -Gary Bradski, the creator of the Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV), and one of the guys who first taught self-driving cars to see. -Jean-Yves Bouguet, a member of the original Google Street View team, and who led the Indoor Street View project. -Greg Broadmore, the creator of Dr. Grordborts raygun-filled world. -Austin Grossman, who penned video game narrative for award-winning titles like System Shock, Deus Ex, and Dishonored. -John Root, a motion capture artist and animator with two decades experience at top video game and film technology companies, including Epic Games (Unreal Tournament 2004), id Software (Doom 3, RAGE), Remedy Entertainment (Alan Wake), and Digital Domain. -Dave Gibbons, comic book writer, artist, and co-creator of Watchmen. Hell be developing projects and IP designed to take advantage of the next personal computing platform, according to this press release. There was not so much information regarding this project on web , but just found that they finally disclose information of the project The hardware appears to be a pair of glasses with fiber optic projectors. Images are painted directly in front of your map their surroundings in a massive cloud database shared by the world’s Magic Leap users. Glasses that project uncanny images right into a wearer’s line of sight recognizing our gestures and make the entire world a canvas for a new digital interface that follows us everywhere we go. latest application is a 180-page opus for user interface, filled with a surplus of sketches illustrating the platform’s potential can be shown there Some recap of awesome ideas of this product mentioned in the user interface -Images arent limited to our environment, a hand could become a user interface -Office wouldn not longer require a physical computer (Minority report) -Demonstration that the Magic Leap could store 2-D icons and images, or it could store 3-D icons and images. You could explore your files and media in 3-D, grouping files and contacts as a mini Universe. - Facebook next version , be able to socialization through virtual reality, like never do exercise at home again joing a virtual people can next you. - Shopping . The Magic Leap could scan items and float reviews right over top. -Could guide doctors through surgery. - Be able to play Dejarik in our life time . Remember the game chess game that utilized holographic representations of the playing pieces, often exotic aliens.(Picture attached) The latest application is a 180-page opus for user interface, filled with a surplus of sketches illustrating the platform’s potential can be found here However you still want to change your reality and suddenly be in a different place , Oculus Rift is the way to go personally because it cancel your surrounding and in seconds you will be flying a space ship in a Galaxy far far away
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:15:30 +0000

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