Remember there are some people that will NEVER get it. They may - TopicsExpress


Remember there are some people that will NEVER get it. They may have come into your Life a few months ago, and feel as if ....thats when your Life started. They wont see the sacrifices, the hard work and dedication that your grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters and You,have gone through to be where youre at. Do I appreciate The Love & Support? YES OF COURSE. My TRUE FRIENDS/FANS will ALWAYS UNDERSTAND, and they have told me to Stop Thanking them, that they are Happy for My Success. What makes it beautiful, is that I can actually see it in their face, they Are Truly Happy For Me. But, then theres a few which throughout My whole career Ive Only had 4, that need the recognition and want me to bow down and give them credit every time I am around them. They want me to Thank them for My life accomplishments, and theyve only joined the movement a few months ago. Ive been doing this For Many years, I Give credit where its due, These people come around for a short while, believe that you are where youre at because of them and then disappear, never to be seen again. To say that without YOU I am NOTHING? Well, thats disrespectful to Me, My Family And ALL the sacrifices weve been through. Thats where I draw the line and REMOVE YOU From MY BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL GOD LIVING-BLESSED-LIFE. Always think before you comment or speak, I am No better than you and You are No better than me, but I am as human as You are, and I am not here for you to comment whats on Your mind without Giving You a taste of whats on my mind. I really dont know who you are but like I said your comment was unacceptable, and disrespectful to My Family. There is no room for your negative opinions here. You commented that you would not be following me anymore yet when I checked your page to see who you were, you were still following me...., Crazy.....Soo, I did you the favor, and Youre Welcome. Yes, It was simple for me... I BLOCKED YOU, I didnt feel anything, I am not angry, I am not stressing, but I am posting this, because I know that people like YOU will somehow, find a way back to My page to continue with your nonsense. You cant ACCEPT the fact that....LIFE WILL...ALWAYS CONTINUE AND MOVE FORWARD WITHOUT YOU. So remember keep reading this and let it slowly burn some reality into your envious, confused soul. I PERSONALLY cant help you, Only GOD can......... FB Family & Friends, There are no words to describe how Happy I am to see and Feel the Love that Many of you Share for Me and My Family/Musical Family. I/WE THANK YOU ALL, from the bottom of OUR HEARTS. I post this....for those that will NEVER get it, and NEVER understand why some of us LIVE PEACEFUL & HAPPY. Dont let these people try and ruin your Life. Some people are Very disrespectful and we must Always make the right choices for US and remove them from Our Wonderful Lives. Remember, Its not about them its about Our Happiness. They choose to Live miserable and thats what they wish on everyone....Why? Because thats the Only way Of Life they know. They cant stand seeing you walk around...with your head up High....Rockin Your Million Dollar Smile,.... and Showing GODS GLORY. Put an End to this.... START TODAY....REMOVE/ BLOCK/DELETE ANYONE AND EVERYONE that cant stand to see you Happy. Life is too short to put up with these idiots. IT IS TIME!! These people Think that we wont say, comment, post or fight back to defend what GOD has Blessed us with. DEFEND WHAT GOD HAS BLESSED YOU WITH...... Everything else Can Go To Hell!! Hell is a Place that OUR GOD made to send All The Bullshit to!! NOW DO IT!! Send It all To Hell!! God Made Plenty Of Room There. ALL GLORY TO GOD!! GOD IS GREAT!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:48:10 +0000

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